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  1. 5.0stang

    Drilling Live Rock

    My friend used acrylic rods in his 240 looks great i think
  2. 5.0stang

    Do I need a skimmer for fowlr ?

    I got the 125 and wish i got the 220 its the same needle wheel pump but larger reaction chamber with a lil fishin line in the impeller and it kicks skim
  3. 5.0stang

    Out With The Old In With The New

    Its a 38 gal so i said 15 cause i figured that much old water would help for it not to cycle I also have a 100 gal thats been set up longer in case i need cycled water its no biggie. I think im gonna go thru with this tomorrow instead of tonight cause i frogot to buy the sand
  4. 5.0stang


    Yea i just saw a big one today i didnt know they got that big. I think were just gonna put a purple firefish and maybe one other small goby and thats it can a purple firefish be with a regular firefish?
  5. 5.0stang

    Out With The Old In With The New

    I meant dead sand as in the cheap stuff thats dry not that one with water for 20 bucks for like 15 lbs. My lfs has a 40lb bag for 20 bucks i think. I have been holdin off on doing a water change on her tank and i accidently let the trates get to 15 thats y i figured might as well do a big...
  6. 5.0stang

    WTB: Sohal Tang

    If only you were closer i dont know how to ship but im sellin a sohal for 80 in san antonio texas
  7. 5.0stang

    Out With The Old In With The New

    This is what im gonna do i wanna remove the CC bed from my wifes tank cause she wants a wrasse. Whats the best way to do this and how deep should i make the sand bed? Its a 3' tank I was thinkin put her fish and corals with rock in a rubbermaid when lights go out with 15 gal. of their water and...
  8. 5.0stang


    Im getting rid of the sohal cause hes already outgrown my 100 hes almost 5" and i dont like to see the poor guy pace its cruel. Hes going to my friends 600gal 10' tank he will love it there. I dont know what im gonna put in my tank but the sunburst might stay in my wifes tank unless it gets way...
  9. 5.0stang


    Yea it is kinda small less than 2.5.Tank mates are 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 clown gobys and a firefish so the tankmates arnt too brutal. I do feed the tank everytime i walk by and it east almost everytime so now i see why they say they can eat alot. Its in a 38 gal tank 36" But i do have a 100 gal...
  10. 5.0stang


    My wife wanted one and i found one at the LFS. Ive heard they dont do so well in captivity. What does everyone here think? Any experiance? Tips? Anything helps she really loves this fish and i really want to try to keep it alive. He/She already eats mysis and spirlina brine. Ive offered VHP...
  11. 5.0stang

    just a few pics

    just got bored and thought id post a few pics let me know wha you think our frog spawn.. it started off about half that size and has grown so much in just a little under a month. my wifes favorite.. sun coral in the process of opening up =)..
  12. 5.0stang

    wifes tank

    he's awesome! hes a trooper when the tank got ick he made it through.. TWICE, we also tried the black clown goby and the green one but they didnt last so long..we recently got another green one that seems to be doing good but weve only had him for about 2 or 3 weeks hes hosting my frog spawn...
  13. 5.0stang

    wifes tank

    the sun coral was doing prett bad when she first got it it didnt open for over 2 weeks when we gt it but its doing awesome now!! sun coral when its closed and mr hermit king
  14. 5.0stang

    wifes tank

    her sun coral started off pretty bad it didnt open for like 2 weeks after we got it but its doing good now!! how it looks when its closed and the hermit king
  15. 5.0stang

    Show Us Your: Tangs!

  16. 5.0stang

    my fish

  17. 5.0stang

    my fish

    i have the LR its in a rubbermaid trashcan right now going fallow im going to add it back into the tank as soon as i get done with hypo, abd as far as the substrate i think im gonna keep it bare bottom i have a deep sand bed in the fuge, for me its easier to keep clean that way,
  18. 5.0stang

    Lets see some pics of your: Hippo Tangs!

    yeah i just posted a couple tank shots under the photography forum its called "my fish". but its a 100 gal with a 20 sump and a 20 fuge, 40 watt UV, super skimmer, carbon in sump. the pics are nothing special but it you take a look at the thread i posted it under my fish it explains why ***)