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  1. missile150

    Aqua C or Precision Marine?

    I am having a hard time trying to decide on the MRC MR-2 or the MR-2R. They are two different set ups, with two totally different price tags. I will be hard to convince my wife to spend the extra money. Any opinions on these two models?
  2. missile150

    Aqua C or Precision Marine?

    I was looking at the MRC's on the net. I liked them a lot! I am going to look into the ASM as well, though. I want to keep an open mind, but I also do not want to make a huge financial mistake with the skimmer. It will be my last one for quite some time.
  3. missile150

    Aqua C or Precision Marine?

    I am going to be in the market for a new skimmer for my 220fowlr. I currently have a Proclear 250 venturi model, but am looking to upgrade. Eventually the tank will be full of corals (eventually...) and I do not want to have to purchase another skimmer then. I am leaning toward the Aqua C...
  4. missile150

    Yellow Polyps

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will move them higher. I will also try your eyedropper idea, as the turkey baster may be a little too forceful. I will do this ASAP, but I need to get another piece of rock to put them on. They have been cemented to a large piece, so it all will have to be elevated.
  5. missile150

    Yellow Polyps

    They do seem to be getting a little darker. They have been as close to the light source as they have been. Should I move them closer? Also, I just changed the actinic PC light this weekend, but this has been happening before the light was changed. It was one of the 40 watt bulbs. And when I...
  6. missile150

    Yellow Polyps

    I have had a 10gal nano up and running for about 4 months now. Everything is great in it. Here are the parameters, quick and short: calcium - 400 nitrate and nitrate - 0 ph - 8.3 salinity - 1.024 to 1.025 temp - 78 - 79deg phosphate - o Inhabitants: 1 yellow clown goby 1 emerald crab 1 torch...
  7. missile150

    nerite snails

    I was looking at ---- for buying some snails for my aquarium. I have bought from that site before. One person says that he is selling nerite snails and claims they eat all sorts of algae and detritus, including cyanobacteria. Is this possible? I was under the understanding that there were no...
  8. missile150

    Growth on sand?

    Does that chemical have any effect on the biological filter, inhabitants, etc., that I should worry about? Could you give some advice on some better sand sifting organisms? Thanks.
  9. missile150

    Growth on sand?

    I am using a pump that is turning over the water at around 1200gph, 2 maxijet 1200's, and two small nano pumps doing around 50gph. I will check for the cyano online to see fixes for it. And the skimmer is rated for a 300gal tank, but I am not sure of the pump size on it. As for the lights...
  10. missile150

    Growth on sand?

    I have had a reddish/brown film growing on my sandbed for some time now. I keep removing it, and it keeps coming back. It is covering about 70percent of the sand. I think it is some type of waste from the bacteria in the sand, but I am not sure. I think that some more sand sifting organisms...
  11. missile150

    brain coral

    When I said you have to be careful how you add them, I meant that you have to be careful not to hit thiem with too much lighting right away. You should gradually increase there exposure.
  12. missile150

    brain coral

    I read that these corals come from around 100feet down, so you have to be careful how you add them into the aquarium. I have 80watts of pc lighting on a 10gal. BIGARN, was it too hard to try to frag the coral to keep some of it, or is that not possible with these brain corals?
  13. missile150

    brain coral

    Would it be difficult to keep an open brain coral in a 10 gallon nano? Or at least any harder than anything else? I know that some of them get pretty big, but I may be looking at one that stays smaller, or maybe fragging it to keep it small. Thanks.
  14. missile150

    automatic feeder

    I saw this feeder in a magazine for fish. It is a tube that you put anairstone in and it dissipates the frozen food over the course of a few hours. Have you seen them? Right now, the tank has only 4 chromis, three scissor tail gobies, a brown barred goby, a coral beauty, three emerald crabs...
  15. missile150

    automatic feeder

    Does anyone have any ideas about how to feed a tank automatically, but using frozen food and not flakes, pellets, etc? My work hours are such that I have to feed my fish in the evening, and I know they should feed several times a day. I am not sure of how possible it would be because of the...
  16. missile150

    skimmer question?

    I bought an aqua c skimmer on the advice of other peole in another site's forum. I did not like it at all. It did not skim like they said, and I had problems with the bubbles, too. Then I made my own counter current in-sump skimmer and it worked great. I have since upgraded to a venturi...
  17. missile150

    orange shoulder tang

    I have a juvenile orange shoulder tang, and he has develped a brownish spot between his eyes and a smaller on under his left fin. Any idea what it could be from? He eats very well and his activity level is great. Maybe it is from bumbing himself around while eating on the rocks, sand, glass...