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  1. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by JonP The site itself is a store, that just happens to have a very nice message board that is populated with useful information. Taking your logic into account, I think I will change to a forum that is not also a store so I can get answers that benefit the SW hobbyist...
  2. vbsaltydog

    metal halide set up f/s

    any photos?
  3. vbsaltydog

    Best 30" metal halide light?

    I am looking to buy a MH light and I have 30" available for the fixture. Does anyone have a recommendation on a good light with MH and some type of supplemental actinic or supports two MH bulbs so I can run a 10k and a 14k that fits into a 30" fixture? Thanks
  4. vbsaltydog

    20" 1x150w HQI Current USA Sunpod Metal Halide?

    The sunpod literature says that it emits enough blue light that actinics are not needed. I am guessing by your post that they mean it emits the blue end of the spectrum and not the blue that you get visually from the actinics?
  5. vbsaltydog

    20" 1x150w HQI Current USA Sunpod Metal Halide?

    I currently have an orbit 24" 2x60w over my 55g corner bowfront and it fits fairly well considering its a corner bowfront tank and lighting is hard to find that fits. I am thinking of upgrading and am considering the 20" 1x150w HQI Current USA Sunpod Metal Halide. Does anyone have any advise to...
  6. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Well, it looks like the moderators removed the info of where I got this LR. I understand SWF not wanting others advertising on their board but this is supposed to be a place where aquarium hobbyists can share info and resources but SWF wont let you share resources. I dont mean to make a stink...
  7. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Here is another set of photos after the rock has been in my tank for three days
  8. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by spanko I am sorry, I just took for granted that the way you got the mantis out in the first place was by using a hypersalinity dip. People have had success dipping their rock in a saltwater solution where the Sg is 1.035. Tends to irritate any critters enough that they come...
  9. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by AAnthony ^ yeah what are you talking about buddy, that made no sense at all. That rock is crazy by the way, so many colours, and it was 1.99 per lb??? The standard live rock is $1.99/Lb I got the premium which was only $2.99/Lb They also have decorative but I got the...
  10. vbsaltydog

    T5's in an orbit housing?

    I have an orbit 24" power compact that fits perfectly over my 55g AGA corner bowfront but I keep hearing that T5's are great. Does anyone know if there is a retrofit kit or how to otherwise retrofit the 24" orbit with T5's and will 24" T5's out perform 24" power compacts? Thanks for the advise
  11. vbsaltydog

    Nitrites during cycle?

    Originally Posted by Dischirm If you know anyone nearby, or at your LFS, maybe they can give you some used filter material. That really kickstarts the Nitrite cycle. By used filter material, you mean the mechanical filtration like the blue porous filter from a sump or do you mean like bio...
  12. vbsaltydog

    Nitrites during cycle?

    Thanks to both of you for your replies.
  13. vbsaltydog

    Nitrites during cycle?

    I am cycling my 55g with 60lbs of LR and 20lbs of LS. I am in the third day of the cycle. My ammonia rose to 3.0ppm the second day so I did a 20% water change and did a single dose of amquel+ and this brought the ammo down to around 1.5 - 2.0 The third day, today, the ammo was back up to around...
  14. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by spanko Unless you get the mantis out now before you get too far down the road you will have problems. They will capture smash and kill snails, hermits, and especially bottom dwelling fish. I would do the hypersalinity dip again to capture him and take him back. Just my...
  15. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    I have heard that they have strong punching abilities which is why I am concerned. I dont need cracked glass or dead fish. I am regretting putting it back in the tank to keep it alive. I should have put some water in a separate container and isolated it so it could be taken to the LFS. Ohh well...
  16. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by enigma1388 mantis shrimp kill and eat fish and if they happen to punch your glass . . . good bye fish tank. Are there any ways to trap them other than seeing them and trying to get them out on site?
  17. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek wut if u hear clicking get that damn thing out. dont wait. meaning mantis What is the clicking I am listening for? The shrimp punching the glass? Is the mantis a threat to fish?
  18. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    Originally Posted by rbrockm1 i would have sold it back to the fish store. them things are mean, mean, and mean. i like the rocks though. they look full of stuff. mine didn't look as good as yours when i first got mine they looked dead. Where did you get yours? Was it Florida Aquacultured or Fiji?
  19. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    I found a small mantis shrimp and even though I do not want one in my tank once it's populated, I didn't want to kill it either so I foolishly put him in the tank and then did my aquascaping so it might be in the tank alive or it might be under the 60lbs of LR. There were also a few snails but...
  20. vbsaltydog

    my new live rock

    I am in the process of setting up my 55g corner bowfront and just received my liverock from *please be conciderate of and not advertise for other sources* Here are a few photos. The diver (Dale) pulled the rock on Monday afternoon and it was in my tank by Tuesday evening. He also called...