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  1. mad_dog

    Light Hood DIY

    I am about to embark on a new light hood project and would appreciate any input or suggestions you all may have. New hood and lights for a well established 55 gal. show tank 36" long 18" deep 24" tall. Currently running 4 ea. 96w VHO 50/50-actinics on an icecap ballast. New hood 36"x18.5...
  2. mad_dog

    Macro alages

    55 gal. 3 yrs. old w/ 384 watts daylite/blue VHO, DSB reef struggling along with high nitrates and weekly 10% water changes. Tidepool2 and sea-chem skimmer- rampant green hair alage currently under light deprivation treatment, very light bio load - three small fish, fully equiped reef critter...
  3. mad_dog

    Hair Alge

    fishfreek: no bio-balls - just bio-wheel: if I remove this then my primary soucre of ammiona/nitrite negativity is gone. please explain >>
  4. mad_dog

    Hair Alge

    Same problem, run away green hair alage, trying light depravation with 2 hours a day for week, then 3 for a week, so on and so on.... Tank approx 3 years old, very light bio load, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, Nitrates always off the mark with 20 ppm the best, I mean best I've every managed. Got a...
  5. mad_dog

    Macro Algae

    I need macro algae, been percolation my refugium for almost 3 months now and scoured the SE Texas region for macro's to no avail. Anyone know of a local source or willing to donate with a diversified selection I'm willing to pay all shipping with no problems.
  6. mad_dog

    Carpet anemone inside-out

    Carpet anemone is turning itself inside-out. I've had this anemone approx 9 months and all was fine, ate like a horse twice a week varied diet and very aggressive about feeding, took no time at all to swell up and swallow. For the last three (3) weeks itt seems to be turning itself inside-out...
  7. mad_dog

    Carb-sea live sand or Southdown.

    BurnNspy Recently added approximately 40 lbs. of aragonite to my 55 gal. two weeks ago as part of the process of changing from cc to dsb. Alkalinity dropped from 2.4 to 1.1 milli-equivallents within 2 days; As you stated and the Carib Sea packaging advertises that aragonite is supposed to be an...
  8. mad_dog

    adding sand to established tank

    I changed over from cc to dsb approx 4 months ago, the trick is from all the advise I got was to take it slow, about 1/3 of the tank at a time and one month apart. I start with 1/3 live sand and waited for it to cycle first ( you should already have this covered ) then added a bio-wheel to the...
  9. mad_dog

    Disturbing water readings

    I usually only use 1/2 the manufactures reccomended dosage, they are in the business of selling product, Iodine is particularly easy to overdose and is not that critical for system requirements. Your bio-load is what really determines the needs and quantity of supplimental elements. Full...
  10. mad_dog

    What to do next??

    rmd8110, I also reside in beaumont, drop me some email maybe trade some frags and save some $$$
  11. mad_dog

    Flying anemone landed on another rock

    In my experience anenomes migrate to the conditions that best suit their taste, if excess current caused it to move, apply it again and the creature will move with minimum damage to the other corals, I have had anenomes sit on coral for days, with the exception of light deprevaion I have not...
  12. mad_dog

    arrow crab

    It doesn't sound like an arrow crab is such a good idea, especailly one as large as seen @ the lfs for sale. Thanks for all the help and it is much appreciated - money saved knowledge gained.
  13. mad_dog

    have you found a easy way

    Try using a siphon tube, they come in a varity of diameters or use tubing and make your own. Fish it around and pull a vacuum on that dude.
  14. mad_dog

    arrow crab

    MR.SALTY What did you feed him and How ?
  15. mad_dog

    arrow crab

    Just seen an arrow crab @ LFS, awesome looking critter. Interested in their compatibility specifically with fish, other crabs, and shrimps. Known that that don't do well with members of their same species, prefer bristle worms for food and will take advantage of feather dusters ( I have none...
  16. mad_dog

    Blue Mushrooms

    rblehm, excellent suggestion pertaining to water flow very much appreciated, just added a new power head previous to this problem to accomodate polyups. Still the question posed pertaining to color and light absorbtion ability remains. Is there a possiblity of too much light for a coral -...
  17. mad_dog

    Please Help -- Shrimp Molting Problem?!?

    I've only had one for approx 1 year, it molts mostly at night with the lights out and this happens about once every month, never seen him lay around at all, always active just find the discarded shell in the morning. Do you use iodine supplement, if not recommend 1/2 dosage once per week. Sorry...
  18. mad_dog

    Blue Mushrooms

    teetee, 150 watts combination vho's with 1/2 50/50 and actinic 03s for the 50 gallons. Not great lighting but within the 3-5 watts per gallon recommendations and within my price range.
  19. mad_dog

    Blue Mushrooms

    I've got several speices of mushroom colonies within my reef, most are doing realy well and multipling as would be expected. However my blue mushrooms have shriveled up to nothing about two weeks ago and seem to be about to become extinct. Is is true that the darker colored corals should be...
  20. mad_dog

    Turbo Snails

    I have five (5) large turbo snails each with a foot about the size of a thumb that have recently become quite dormate, several have huddled together and have not moved for a little less than a week now. I also have a dozen or so smaller turbo's that seem fine are are fairly active all the time...