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  1. apgracia

    ID Please

    Thank you. That is what I thought thet were, just wanted to confirm.
  2. apgracia

    Emerald Crab

    I had the same thing happen in my tank. I was told that the eggs would be eaten.
  3. apgracia

    ID Please

    I have theses little white and brown gnat looking things running around on my live rock. I can't get a pic, they are really small. Any ideas.
  4. apgracia

    Phosphates..and to get rid of them.

    I tried all kinds of methods, but the one that worked the best was a phosphate reactor with phosban media. Keep in mind, that this is only a qiuck fix, you need to find the source of the phosphate. I made the mistake of using tap water when I first cycled my tank. After water changes and the...
  5. apgracia

    ID PLease

    Right on brother!!!!!!
  6. apgracia

    ID PLease

    No chance any will hatch? The emerald must have thrown hundreds of eggs.
  7. apgracia

    ID PLease

    Do they hatch? also posted about a emerld crab that was tossing out eggs, any ideas?
  8. apgracia

    ID PLease

    Do they hatch? I also posted about a crab that was shooting out eggs. Any ideas?
  9. apgracia

    ID PLease

    Cerith, Nas, mexican turbos, astrea..... Hey are mexican turbos illegal aliens. And should they be deported from our tanks !!!!!! lol.
  10. apgracia

    ID PLease

    Anybody know what this is? Just showed up on my base rock. :help:
  11. apgracia

    What Else Can I Add to This Tank?

    I have a 55 gal corner tank with a LTA and a clown. No coral just live rock. What other fish could I put in this tank? :help:
  12. apgracia

    Emerald Crab Shooting Eggs !!

    Yesterday I saw one of my emerald crabs shooting out what looked like eggs. They were comming out of a white pouch on his or her underside. Anyone ever see this? Is there a chance that some of the eggs might hatch? :notsure:
  13. apgracia

    Alk ?

    What should my alk. reading be at when measuring in Milli-eqivilants per liter?
  14. apgracia

    ID Please/ White and pinK slime?

    Here are some better pics of it from another tank. It is the white roundish stuff on the rock. Any ideas?
  15. apgracia

    ID Please/ White and pinK slime?

    It more like a film, some of it is pink some is white.
  16. apgracia

    ID Please/ White and pinK slime?

    Hey guys I have some white and pinkish slime on my live rock. I re-did some of my aquascaping. When I turned over some of the rocks I noticed this slimy stuff Don't know what it is . I am trying to post a pic. The pic is not very clear, sorry can't get a good pic. It is on the rock just to the...
  17. apgracia

    Question about powerheads

    ikon, I am in Vegas as well. If you need any local help, e-mail me
  18. apgracia

    Who's running a successful reef with no sump?

    Originally Posted by diggerules I also have a fluval 404 and have a Coralife Super Skimmer220. on my 65g. I am interested in hearing what filter media you use for your filter. Thanks I run the pre-filter media and the ceramic micro rings. Mostly use it for water flow. I am surprised that my...
  19. apgracia

    Sump Size

    How large of a sump/fuge would I need for a 135 gal tank?
  20. apgracia

    Qt tank set up/ Cycle

    Could I use water,sand and live rock from an existing tank to set up a qt tank. Or will it start the qt on a cycle. I would like to set up a QT as fast as I can. I would think this would be like a tank move or upgrade? IE moving a 75 gal set up to a 150.