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  1. marie1101


    One only but that is getting better slowly. Tge other one started but we did quick cure and it kept that one from doing it all the way. The nitrates were high so we did a third water change. I'm just worried because he won't eat. How do I add bacteria ? We moved three months ago so all my dish...
  2. marie1101


    My puffer means the world to me! He got popeye and I've been treating him for two weeks with quick cure. It seems to look better (not 100% though) but he still is not eating his silversides which he loves. Any new advice is greatly appreciatied.
  3. marie1101

    Triggers are mean and ate my invertebrates, now what??

    I would really like to save him. I bought him from SWF any suggestions on other cleaner fish?
  4. marie1101

    Triggers are mean and ate my invertebrates, now what??

    I did alot of research and the picassio trigger I bought successfully ate 3 turbo snails, and 4 orchins. Even my puffer did not mess with them. Now I am left with what do I get for cleaner fish. I have read on this forum snails and hermit crabs. I went last night and got about 10 snails and...
  5. marie1101

    Green Growth

    No it actually isn't as thick as the red and appears a lot lighter. Thanks for the information. At least I have a starting point now
  6. marie1101

    Green Growth

    I used to have a tone of red slime but 4 months ago when I bought the SWF I also bought 3 Mexican snails and a pencil urchin. They leaned all the red off. Because it is a different color does it make a difference as far as being a danger?
  7. marie1101

    Green Growth

    This is all I have. It has started to go up to the back glass as well. Last night I cleaned everything and again the levels were normal. Any suggestions would be very helpful. All fish appear to be healthy. Thanks!
  8. marie1101

    Green Growth

  9. marie1101

    Green Growth

  10. marie1101

    Green Growth

    I have not signed in for awhile, but I have noticed a slight green growth almost yellow florescent. It is growing on the ornaments and the live rock as well. 4 months ago, when I added the new fish from SWF I changed thier diet. I deleted the brine shimp, went to silversides, Marine Cuisine...
  11. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    That just goes to show that the LFS I USED to use didn't know what he was talking about, I find out first he doesn't even know what the fish are he sold me and now the light! That guy should be put out of business!! i will say since I have joined this forum I have learned so much and with...
  12. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    I have the 4 light T5 but wanted to add the other fixture to it. With them both combined would that be enought? I don't want to spend over 1k. I was looking and some of them are very pricey, but the anemone needs proper light. The research I did I thought my lights were suffecient. The...
  13. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    Thank you Flower for the advise. I am going to remove them. Back to the anemone...he has moved to the back corner of the aquarium and has a brown spot in the middle when he opens up. I have been researching lights and wanted to know if this one will be suffecient for the anemone. 252 bright...
  14. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    Here are my specs on the lights in the aquarium. bulb we have in there and it is a duel color bulb: 65W Actinic White 12000K/420nm Super Actinic, Dual Color Power Compact Bulb - Straight Pin, UVL we have 2 of them, and we have (2) x 65W Fluorescent 12,000k White Daylight PL Lamps. Flower: I...
  15. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    That is really wierd. When the lights first come on he is white, but as the evening progresses he turns brown. And after a few hours he starts to close up. I assumed the lights are on too long.
  16. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    Thank you. Sorry I had to get home and get all the dimensions. The aquarium is 48 X 18 X 21. My lighting system is not LED. Well I have two small LED's but I could not get the wattage from where they are in the lid. The other 4 lights are 65 W Daylight (2) and 65 W Actnic (2). The anemone...
  17. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    It is a 75 gallon. The light has two rows of 65k ( think) LED. The aquarium lights come on and stay on for 6 hours on bright white, then for 2 hours with the lower blue lights. I have a fox face, dusky jawfish, dogface puffer, yellow pygmy angelfish, yellow mimic tang, mandarin dragonet...
  18. marie1101

    Couple of Questions

    All my new fish arrived and everyone but one survived the transition. The one that did not make it was my false percula. Do those have to be in pairs? And my bubbletip anemone keeps going under a rock. Is that normal. He is beautiful when he stretches out but later in the day he shimmies...
  19. marie1101

    What is this fish?

    Thank you for your comment. If you have been following my other posts, I acclimated several new fish to the tank, only keeping the puffer (a sweetheart) and the fox. I was really worried about my new online purchase of fish. I accliamated just as SWF said and so far so great. My mandarin...
  20. marie1101

    What is this fish?

    Just an update. I changed LFS and the shop I took the NASO and the Sweetlips to were real nice. Told me both the fish were infants. I went back there yesterday and noticed that the NASO they had labeled as a Unicorn Tang. They also were selling him for $125.00 (they gave me $25) and the...