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  1. snazzywhiskers

    fish list

    You're right...I didn't think about the tank size. I was thinking more about eating the algae and what not, but I see what you're saying there. Mine's in a 72 gal, but I'm not sure how much wider that is compared to a 55...and mine's a bowfront...
  2. snazzywhiskers

    fish list

    I have to disagree with keeping the longspine urchin...although they can and will knock over frags that are not properly attacked to a secure spot mine has only done this a couple times and it wasn't really a problem as I just stuck the frag back up where it was and secured it down better. Also...
  3. snazzywhiskers

    Tank Maintenance Check list

    That's better than I could have done! Very nice list! ^^
  4. snazzywhiskers

    does anybody know what this stuff isbon my live rock?

    That's cool to know! Thanks for clearing that up :)
  5. snazzywhiskers

    My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !

    I'm not sure why he'd go after the corals other than if he's hungry. What and how often are you feeding?
  6. snazzywhiskers

    New sun coral

    Quote: Originally Posted by coreyulicni What type of food do you normally feed this type of coral. I'm just starting a reef tank and currently only have some polys, red and blue mushrooms, and a Duncan I know this is a little late, but I thought I'd chime in and answer this for you. :) I...
  7. snazzywhiskers

    does anybody know what this stuff isbon my live rock?

    Looks to me like little feather dusters. I have those pop up from time to time on my rocks, and from what I can tell they're completely harmless. :)
  8. snazzywhiskers

    My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !

    I'd either use a fish trap or net him when he comes to the surface to eat.
  9. snazzywhiskers

    Tank Maintenance Check list

    Do you want just how often the tank is cleaned and what all is done during this, or even feeding and such worked into the weekly routine?
  10. snazzywhiskers

    Help me stay sane

    If the fish trap doesn't work I've been able to catch quite a few fish by feeding the tank and scooping the fish out when it swims to the top. Good luck fishing!
  11. snazzywhiskers

    Starting reef tank (equipment needed)

    No, you do not need all the reactors :) Water changes will replenish most of the minerals that those reactors are pumping into your tank. Also, you'd really only need those if you were using an insane amount of... lets say calcium, but because you are just starting out you wont be using up...
  12. snazzywhiskers

    Anyone know anything about Jackknife fish?

    I've been seeing a whole lot of videos and pictures lately and have been sucked in by their beauty. Are they only that striking when they are young though? Unfortunately there is not much out there about them, so if you have any information at all that would be awesome. :D
  13. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    Haha yes he does!
  14. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    Those are neat I do have a RBTA... Any other "sea slugs" ?? Lol I love your "ID" pic! Is the dog yours? :)
  15. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    I'm not sure if that's a possibility ATM. That would have been my first choice, but since I can't I'm trying to get other options. :P Well any other animals that are very similer, but no so deadly as an option? :) And I'm just a little skeptical of nanos as the water quality can plummet much...
  16. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    Yeah, I'm thinking I might try feeding my tank now a little more and start siphoning the sand for extra nutrients, so I can see if I can keep up with it now. I'm really just worried about the apple getting picked at/overly stressed and "vomiting" up its guts. :sad: Mostly because the powerheads...
  17. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    I have read it :) And I agree that it was very insightful!
  18. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    Alright cool :) Well whatever I end up needed to feed it, how many times do you think it should be fed per day?
  19. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    So if they do happen to shrival up and die do they still release the toxins? I've heard that they don't, but I'm wondering since the toxins seem to be the reason why most people don't want them. Also, I was thinkimf of feeding it a mixture of phytoplankton about 2 times a day to make sure it...
  20. snazzywhiskers

    Sea apple care?

    Is it common that they'd lay eggs in the aquarium? I'm thinking that if I were to get the sea apple it would be in about 3 weeks from now (when my lfs is having a big sale) that way I'll be able to see it again and judge if it still looks healthy.