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  1. johannas

    Bigger tank again.

    Well just wanted to give you an up date on my new tank.It has been a couple of months now. During which time I had a fungus out break which caused me to lose all of my fish but 2. I was told it was ich,it wasn't,treated tank with the wrong stuff ,found the right stuff,my poor clown,who was so...
  2. johannas

    Bigger tank again.

    thanks Flower for all your help.
  3. johannas

    Bigger tank again.

    no,got it used from my son.we are trying to get him pin point how long it wasn't being used between tanks. we went out and bought a new muss no fuss. can't stand it when things don't work properly. thanks,will be talking to you again for sure.
  4. johannas

    Bigger tank again.

    thanks again ,for your help.i will get it together.i think there is some thing very wrong with my fluval.i have done everything i can,time and time again.
  5. johannas

    Bigger tank again.

    I now have a 75gl. It came with a Fluval 300 G6. I hate it.It is constantly shooting tiny bubbles and I find is not keeping my tank clean like the Bio's. I am new at the saltwater experience so please bear with me. Should I continue on with the canister filters or should I get some thing else,if...
  6. johannas

    What is this ????

    Thanks again Flower,Merry Christmas from Canada
  7. johannas

    What is this ????

    Thanks Flower My anemone was one of my favorite critters in my tank. Like losing a member of the family. This may sound like a dumb question.I want to add some more live rock to my tank. If the rock at my FS is in water does that mean it's cured ?
  8. johannas

    What is this ????

    Thank you flower,as per usual you have been very helpful. I looked it up,I love it. They recommend calcium.what do you think ? Also any thoughts on the disapprance of my Condy anemone ?
  9. johannas

    What is this ????

    Any one have any ideas ? It does not move like a worm.
  10. johannas

    Condy Anemone

    I have had my Condy for about 2 years now. Over the past couple of weeks it started twisting. Then over the weekend it moved. I found it under a rock. Now I can't find it at all. did it die ? I see no slime,water perimeters are all good. Will I ever see it again ? It always had it's post on top...
  11. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Tank has settled in nicely been 2 months now. Levels are good.Water is crystal. Now I need to decide what to add,more fish or corals. I have a clown,royal gamma,yellow bellied damsel and a six line. Have a few mushroom corals. Any suggestions? 40 gl tank.
  12. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Update on new tank. Everything is coming together nicely. glass is clear and water is great. Like they say time heals all.
  13. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Well,went to FS and bought more cleaners,yup mo money lol. toned down the lights,let's keep our fingers crossed.
  14. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    I used only premixed salt water from my reef guy when I set up the tank.For top offs I use distilled. I think my lighting could be an issue have a new razor led .I used new sand with a cup of my old sand. You are right it has been frustrating,but I am not giving up,,,,not yet any way.Fuuny how...
  15. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Ok I did another water change and reduced the lights. Hopefully this will help. Checked levels and all is well there. I have to say I am getting just a tad frustrated with this tank. Never had a dirty tank.
  16. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Thank you I was thinking maybe lighting too. Will reduce my times and keep the water changes flowing lol
  17. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    all of the above lol. water is within perimeters, extra flow added,new sand with a cup of old,same fish and cleaning crew. Patience comes next lol
  18. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Now that I have my tank up and running,I have a yellow algae bloom. Could someone explain to me why this happens.I used everything out of my old tank and put it in the new one. I have read that this is a common thing for new tanks.But is my tank really new ?
  19. johannas

    New Tank

    Now that I have my new tank up and running. I have discovered that I am missing my hermits.Move must have been to much for them. Also I have been blessed with a lovely yellow algae bloom . Water changes are running ramped at my house.
  20. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Getting there Thank you