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  1. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    And here it is....
  2. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    Yes.. one from my current Cycled tank... going to add more soon...
  3. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    So far so good.. entering 2nd of cycling my 55 Gallon tank...
  4. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    will be moving them into a 55gal TruVu tank soon.
  5. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    After hypo treatment.....
  6. brimestone

    Diatoms? Anything I can do?

    Actually i have not tested my Tap water for phosphate. Now, i will ( soon ). UPDATE: I just had a chat with the water district and based on their reports, my tap water does not have phosphate. They will also mail me a copy of the water quality report ( See i did not know that they'll do such a...
  7. brimestone

    Diatoms? Anything I can do?

    Adding to this.. I'm not sure if my diatom problem is due to tap water. ( see attached images )
  8. brimestone

    New tank setup

    Ok no anemone for me . Based on the research i have done, seems like the way to go is a sump setup ( adds more water capacity, and its hidden away for aesthetics ) my question: Should i go with a built-in overflow or should i get an external one ( CPR CS overflow boxes ) I'm leaning towards...
  9. brimestone

    New tank setup

    Wow.. thank you. I'm planing to stay within 75Gallon range due to structural issue. House built around 1920's and the display tank will be on the second floor where the current 26 Gallon tank is located. Quote: "Blue reef chromis. They shimmer under the lights and look like electric blue, they...
  10. brimestone

    New tank setup

    Hello guys, i have an Aqueon 26Gal Bow Front SW with LS, LR, Marineland double bright, Eheim heater, Eheim ecco pro 300, CPR BAK PAK 2, New MaxiJet 900. I'm looking for suggestions for either 55Gal or 75Gal. I'm planing to start it off with fish only then eventually get into corals. Here are...
  11. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    "What fish are still alive??" 1 Clown fish 3 Cleaner shrimp 4 Hermy Crab
  12. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    Reverse osmosis water...or...tap water? > Tap water via a Brita Filter and an API stresscoat+. You need a 10g quarantine tank to move your surviving fish to for 8 weeks > I do have a 10g tank but its empty ( no live rock, no live sand and Not cycled. ). I set it up to keep Salt water for my...
  13. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    Actually i had a MaxiJet 900 and i removed it a while back.. seems too powerful for me tank... not sure... The LHS sold me the tank so they know.. I asked to buy 1 blue baby tang and he actually said to get all 3 because he is giving me a deal for returning customer. Anyhow, thats all history...
  14. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    I forgot to mention that i still do have Diatoms on my Live Rock.. I may have failed the Cycling part of things ( following instructions from LFS ). Am i still in the Ammonia stage of the Cycle? Setup the Tank more than 2 months ago, setup live Rock and live sand. After about 2 weeks, my...
  15. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    I have a HOB CPR BAK PAK skimmer and that seems to do a good job on oxygenating. I had a MarineHead 900 initially but it turned out to be too much for the tank i have to i point the return of my eHeim on the same direction of the CPR return pipe to create the motion..
  16. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    Actually, Ammonia was sort of in between 0ppm and 0.25ppm, someone i choose to round down to zero. Just did a quick test and it's definitely 0.25ppm.
  17. brimestone

    What to do?? -- Help....

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this forum and relatively new with Saltwater fish aquarium ( kept freshwater fish for 5 years ) Here's the Tank Environment parameters. 26 Gallon Aqueon Bow Front Eheim Canister Filter CPR BAK PAK 2 Salinity: 1.023 ~ 1.024 Temp: (74)Fahrenheit pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 ppm...