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  1. blackbarracuda

    question about sand syphoning

    Do you guys syphon your sand to clean it ever? cause i remember reading somewhere a long time ago that it is a bad idea to do because of the bacteria in the sand. but I syphoned mine a little bit the other day and it seemed real dirty. any responses would be great. thanks
  2. blackbarracuda

    Salifert Test kits

    Hey everyone, I posted a couple of weeks about which test kits are accurate and I found out that salifert is relatively cheap and accurate. Now I know not to listen to the LFS but he told me that salifert used to be better but now the kits aren't accurate and said that the company is going out...
  3. blackbarracuda


    are there any other types of fish that are relatively small and school? thanks
  4. blackbarracuda


    I was looking into the Blue Reef Chromis for my tank but just wanted to make sure that they would school. Do any chromis have a better personality than others? thanks
  5. blackbarracuda


    Do all types of chromis school? or just certain kinds? thanks
  6. blackbarracuda

    Current USA powercompact orbit fixture

    i know mh has a lot of power usage running them. are t5's the same way? and also not sure how to go about shopping for those types of bulbs.
  7. blackbarracuda

    Current USA powercompact orbit fixture

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this type of lighting ficture. if you have any comments or any warning I will happily accept anything anyone has to say. I was also looking into getting the 48" size.
  8. blackbarracuda

    quick lighting question

    Could anyone tell me how many watts of lighting you should have per gallon? or is it not measured that way? also I have pc's so if anyone could let me know I would appreciate it thanks.
  9. blackbarracuda

    Test kit question

    ok well maybe i will stick with salifert then because that is what them seem to carry it at most of the lfs's around me. it seemed a little confusing but i did use it last a while ago so maybe i will understand it a little more now that i am more experiened. thanks
  10. blackbarracuda

    Test kit question

    is hagan complicated at all? I've used red sea but I haven't heard of anyone recommending them or anything. also I have a couple of salifert test but those were a bit confusing and complicated. thanks
  11. blackbarracuda

    Phosphate reactors

    Is anyone here using a phosphate reactor? and also has it made a difference in your tank? I am just trying to decide if I want to buy one but don't want to spend the money if it doesn't make a difference. thanks
  12. blackbarracuda

    Test kit question

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the most accurate brand of test kits are? thanks
  13. blackbarracuda

    How to clean buckets with bleach

    ok thank you for the quick response. I thought that the bleach could be a bad idea. but I guess I will just replace them soon instead. thanks again
  14. blackbarracuda

    How to clean buckets with bleach

    Hello everyone. I am interested in cleaning my buckets out with some bleach... the only thing is I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I need to clean 5 gallon buckets and 3 gallon buckets. but I am not sure how much bleach to use, whether to keep it mixing or just let it sit. if anyone could...
  15. blackbarracuda

    a few questions for everyone

    ok well thanks for all the responses guys. Anything about the chameleon tilefish though? thanks
  16. blackbarracuda

    a few questions for everyone

    thanks any help is still helpful. I also have one more question.... does anyone know anything about a chameleon tilefish? It seems like a very interesting fish.
  17. blackbarracuda

    a few questions for everyone

    1. What is a good salinity to keep shrimp in? 2. Does anyone have any information on a Purple Lobster? 3. Would it be safe to keep a purple lobster with 2 cleaner shrimp? And maybe a pistol shrimp? 4. Is the lobster reef safe? 5. Do you need to qt shrimp/lobsters? if anyone has the answer to any...
  18. blackbarracuda

    Powerhead/ Waterflow question

    I was looking into the Tunze powerheads (the nanostream ones), and I havea 75 gallon tank. so my question is would it be better if I got 2 of them that each have 660 gph or just 1 that has 1189 gph. I'm not sure if having both would be better or if it would be ok with just the one. thanks
  19. blackbarracuda

    Snails/ Hermits

    ok thanks for all the information and I never use chemicals to fix anything in my tank I have read a lot of info (mostly on these boards) and know what can happen. but thanks again
  20. blackbarracuda

    Snails/ Hermits

    do they sell them on this site? I looked through the starfish but couldn't tell if any were mini