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  1. blackbarracuda

    Ick for the first time!

    ok I just went to the store a little while ago and bought enough salt to make 50 gallons, now another question I have is when I add the fish to the QT.... how long should I wait in between putting them in? like a few hours apart? I mean a few hours doesn't seem long but I want to get them into...
  2. blackbarracuda

    Ick for the first time!

    I am not sure how bad it is because I have never really seen it in person before but my girlfriend has and she agrees that it is ick but I don't want to risk losing any fish, but I will have some premixed water in a seperate bucket, do you think that constant 5 gallon water changes on a 55 will...
  3. blackbarracuda

    Ick for the first time!

    ok also how quick should I add them to the QT? I mean I don't want to add them all at the same time right? but I don't want to wait too long to move them. I mean if I use most of the same stuff the cycle shouldn't be as long right?
  4. blackbarracuda

    Ick for the first time!

    yes, my main tank has a couple of snails about live rock and I plan to do hypo in the tank I am setting up so I don't have to worry about losing everything but the fish. and also would I be able to keep the eel in the DT? not sure if your yes was to that heh thanks for the response
  5. blackbarracuda

    Ick for the first time!

    Hello everyone! I have began noticing that ick is in my tank... and I am going to be setting up a QT which is a 55 gallon (a spare tank I just realized was in my house) and I know I should have set up one before... but I have a few questions. First of all I have an eel, I don't need to take him...
  6. blackbarracuda


    I have a question... I just started using garlic when I feed my fish but I noticed the smell is still in the water and I fed them hours ago... will the smell go away? or am I doing something wrong? thanks in advance
  7. blackbarracuda

    AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer

    I have an AquaC Remora Protein skimmer and I have had it for a little over a week now and it is still really noisy. I know it was supposed to be for a little while but not sure how long... so anyways is this ok? or is something wrong?
  8. blackbarracuda

    Brown Algae help

    ok thanks a bunch
  9. blackbarracuda

    Brown Algae help

  10. blackbarracuda

    Brown Algae help

    What are the causes of brown algae and how can I get rid of it? thanks
  11. blackbarracuda

    Quick Cycle Question

    let me think.... last time I tested which was couple of days ago my ammonia was .25 I believe my nitrites were at .1 and my nitrates were at I think it was 10 or so. Not sure exactly I am gonna retest when I get home from work this afternoon.
  12. blackbarracuda

    Quick Cycle Question

    If I have even a little bit of nitrate in my tank does that mean my tank has at least begun its cycle? thanks
  13. blackbarracuda

    Cycling help!

    ok so do you think it is ok to take the shrimp out now? cause it is pretty smelly
  14. blackbarracuda

    Cycling help!

    ok so if it does not go above .25 would that be ok as long as it goes back down to 0? or would I have to do something to get it higher?
  15. blackbarracuda

    Cycling help!

    Hello everyone. I have been trying to get my cycle started for my tank. I put a piece of raw uncooked shrimp in there maybe 4 or 5 days ago and my ammonia has not gone past 0.25 is this normal? I thought there would be a spike in it. not sure if I am doing something wrong or not but if anyone...
  16. blackbarracuda

    High Quality XXX VIDEOS!

    Originally Posted by rhino Probably a site showing [hr] fish! Gross Heh the internet is really getting unsafe... now there is fish ----! what next?
  17. blackbarracuda

    emperor 400 for 75 gal tank?

    Will an Emperor 400 with 2 filters on each side (either 2 filters on each side or a filter and a container of carbon on each side.... which is better?) be enough for a 75 gallon tank with live rock too?... about 50 lbs right now gonna add another 50 in a couple of weeks. thanks in advance
  18. blackbarracuda

    Live Rock Aquascaping

    Originally Posted by earlybird 1. Is the Fiji LR on worth purchasing or should I go to my lfs to hand pick the rocks to ensure that I get "pretty" rocks? Well I ordered Fiji LR from this site a few days ago and it arrived yesterday and I have to tell ya, it was unbelievable. None of...
  19. blackbarracuda Live Rock!

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone that if they need to order live rock to definately order it off of this site. I got mine in today and it was unbelievable. All of the pieces were nice shapes and sizes. I have no complaints. Just thought I would let everyone know.
  20. blackbarracuda

    Need Help! Cloudy Water!

    ok so pretty much the only thing for me to do than is start using ro water and that should help?