Search results

  1. swapfoot

    Lawnmowwer blenny

    I have a 125 that is about a month past cycle and I picked up a bunch of hair algae during the process. I only have put 5 Chromis and 1 Lawn Mower Blennie in the tank. They have been doing great and all is well. The LMB has been a real treat to watch and there is engough live rock to go...
  2. swapfoot

    IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)

    I should be putting some fish in my tank in January so I appreciate the info. Greg
  3. swapfoot

    IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)

    Folks, thanks and look forward to meeting you. I would like to ask what LFS' are in the Indy area that you frequent? I found Premium Aquatics and Uncle Bill's. I gotta believe that there are more good ones out there. Thanks in advance for the feedback. Greg
  4. swapfoot

    all from Indiana

    Just got started a couple weeks ago. Don't know anything yet, but would love to be involved. Greg