IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)


Active Member
This is going to be the official thread of IRC (Indiana Reefers Club) I will be posting important club news on here as well as other stuff. Thanks to everyone that has joined.


Active Member
First item of business is for each member to email me thier mailing address so that I can send out the monthly news letters. Please do this as soon as possible as I want to have the newsletter in the mail by the 5th of January which is the first Friday. I am going to try and have it go out each month on the 5th.


Active Member
One more post until I am out for the holidays... I hope that every one has a very merry and safe holiday, I will not be back online until the 27th, so feel free to email me, but I wont be able to respond until then. Thanks again everyone.


I thought we were going to use the other board? huh, guess not :thinking:


Active Member
Hope every one had a good Christmas. I had a great one, got new bulbs for my set up, went with 14k rather than 10 k and I must say that I love the difference it has made. Thanks again Bronco300 for the hook up, love the products.
Indydirk... We can use both, however I think that with everyone already being on this board and the ease of this one that it would be best to stick to this one. However I will continue to post on both boards. I just want to make this easier for everyone so that we can maximize this clubs potential to the fullest.


Active Member
Up to 8 official members as of today, 3 or 4 more asking questions. Thanks for all of the support, keep adding members, first newsletter goes out on the 5th


New Member
Folks, thanks and look forward to meeting you. I would like to ask what LFS' are in the Indy area that you frequent? I found Premium Aquatics and Uncle Bill's. I gotta believe that there are more good ones out there. Thanks in advance for the feedback.


Active Member
There is a shop on the north side called the reef you could check that out, haven't been there in a while but it was decent when i went in, good selection of corals, they specialize in cichlids if i remember correctly though. They have aquatics only, not a bad store. There are 3 or 4 uncle bills in the area. The south one in Greenwood seems to be the best for salt, but the east side location is really neat they have some huge display tanks. Of course there is pet co and petsmart. I wouldn't recommend either... And pet warehouse as well, but maybe they went out of business...


I love the Reef. I think they're pretty overpriced, but they have some amazing stuff there. They had a huge eel last time I was in.


I've got one or two more that are interested, I told em to send ya an e-mail (Jay), hope the numbers are getting up there. Waiting on the first newsletter to come my way. See all of ya within the next couple of months if not sooner.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
Up to 8 official members as of today, 3 or 4 more asking questions. Thanks for all of the support, keep adding members, first newsletter goes out on the 5th

Sent ya an e-mail for another, just wanted to know if you got it?


Active Member
Received an email for a prospective member named rob, I will be sending an email shortly to this new member.


Active Member
Hope every one had a great and safe new year. I had several problems arise in my tank, none of which were huge, but all of which really stink. My lawnmower blenny beacme the latest casualty of the lobster monster. I had a very large show sized montipora digitata that got broken into several large peices... I think I see door prizes in the future for those. I also lost my female yellow watchman goby to a newly added pwerhead. She apparently didn't realize that I had put it in there, and even though it is at the top, she still managed to get in it, and the impeller got her good. She is now swimming with the fish in the big sea. My male doesn't seem to know what to do. He didn't eat the first few days after the incident, but hopefullly will make a full recovery. I am not sure if I will be able to find him another mate or not. Only time will tell.


Holidays were great but I also had a pretty bad casualty. My yellow tang passed on. he was looking great one day, the next he wouldn't come out from behind the rock wall, then was sideways on the substrate so I moved him quickly to my refugium and he died over night down there.
Hubby says no more yellow tangs and I agree-this was our second attempt. Everyone else is fine but the clownfish seems a little sad, like he misses his friend. They always hung out together.
2 months ago I lost my coral banded shrimp so now I have 2 inhabitants to replace. Not sure what I'm going to get yet though.


Active Member
Crazyfrog sorry to hear of your loss. Just happens i suppose. it is the nature of the hobby we are in. I wanted to share a personal experience with everyone, there have been numerous threads in the past about how to get a fish out of your tank without tearing it apart. I wanted to tell everyone that the number 20 fly fishing hooks work very well and cause no harm to any of the fish that i got out of my tank using this method. I tied it to a peice of thread, lowered it in, and without so much as any bait had both of my green chromis out in a matter of about 45 seconds. I recommend this method and will be using it again.


Active Member
The first newsletter went out yesterday, Our first meeting will be on the 21st at 3:00 p.m. The location is on the newsletter, directions will be emailed out on the 11th. We are officially up to 12 members.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
The first newsletter went out yesterday, Our first meeting will be on the 21st at 3:00 p.m. The location is on the newsletter, directions will be emailed out on the 11th. We are officially up to 12 members.

Jay, can you e-mail me a copy (if it's on you computer), CCAC "Circle City Aquarium Club" wants me to post information on their site. They are mainly a freshwater club but some of the member have been getting into saltwater also. Can't wait for the newsletter, and the meeting. See ya all there !!!!!