IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)


Active Member
Originally Posted by indydirk
Jay, can you e-mail me a copy (if it's on you computer), CCAC "Circle City Aquarium Club" wants me to post information on their site. They are mainly a freshwater club but some of the member have been getting into saltwater also. Can't wait for the newsletter, and the meeting. See ya all there !!!!!

I will send it out to you... Cheater... lol... I know you just want a forwarded copy...jk Can't wait for the meeting.


Just wanted to make sure you got my address down for the members. If you want to save money on stamps you can just e-mail it to me.


Looking forward to the 1st meeting. I may have a couple of small tomato clowns for sale or trade by then. My son bought them today for my belated b-day present, not realizing that the maroon clown that I already have might not take to kindly to them in my 75 gal. Right now they are doing OK because of a set up my neighbor told me about (in the area where the new fish seem to settle, stick you dippin' net close to that area to keep the others away). I thought it sounded stupid but I'd give it a try ........ what do ya know, it works, at least for the time being, we'll see tomorrow if it stays that way. But anyway, I might have them for someone. Only time will tell.


Originally Posted by craigbrown
im from connersville what does it take to be in the club

ummmmmmm, uhhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm ... nothing
send an e-mail to Jay and he'll get ya the info and he'll get your info also. That's it, not too hard of an initiation was it???? Welcome aboard ..........

btw ...... Jay is fishgeek01


Jay I got the newsletter. Just wanted to let you know I'm leaving for Japan on 1-20 and I won't be back until 2-24 so it looks like I'll miss the first and second meetings. I am interested in going to Newport with the group though.


Active Member
OTTY, got your email, we are all good, you should be receiving the newsletter today or tomorrow. They were all sent out on Friday so hopefully everyone got them, if you did not receive it then email me and I will make sure you do.
KOGLE, to bad you will miss our first and second meetings, but we will keep in touch. I hope your trip to Japan goes well, be safe. Did you need me to check up on the tank while you are away? would be more than happy to. Just let me know.
CRAIGBROWN, Just drop me an email at this address, jbarbier@jdbyrider dot com. I will fill you in with all of the info you need, and get you set up with our first newsletter. Our first meeting is going to be on the 21st of this month.
How about those colts. Hopefully we can continue to win...


Active Member
Hey no problem, I would have been more than happy, let your friend know if they need anything to just email or call. I will email that person with all the info they need. Thanks


Active Member
Okay, so everyone should have received the directions to get to the first meeting. If you did not receive them email me and I will make sure you get them. I had a few problems when trying to deliver the emails,
SWAPFOOT, it appears maybe your inbox is full, the message gets sent back to me.
CRAIGBROWN, a seperate email has been sent to you in regards to directions since you are coming from a different direction. It will take you about an hour and a half to get to the meeting.


Active Member
As for the items that I will have available: I have a colony of bright red montipora digitata that will be given away as a door prize colony being the key word there. I have a cabbage leather coral that will be given away as a door prize. I have frags of yellow polyps, montipora digitata, monti cap, xenia, anthelia, and 1 acro for trade. No equipment from me this time. I may have other corals available at the time of the meeting so my list may grow.


I will have 2 tomato clowns (if I can catch em again). Jay, will you have something that livestock can be placed in? If it sits for too much time in plastic bags they may not live too long. Maybe I'll bring a small cooler or something for them. Let me know .............. :thinking:


Oh, also if we can get a copy of everybody's e-mail address that would be nice. That way we can communicate through e-mail also. Just a thought.
See ya all there ...... :jumping: :jumping:


I got the news letter and I will be at the meeting. I don't have any frags yet since I just started my tank in October. All I have is a Green Star Polpy, and some Pulsing Xenia right now but I have a beginner coral order coming from Drs. Forster & Smith that will be delievered 1-16-07, really looking forward to adding some color and life to the tank. I am looking forward to learning how to frag corals though. I also want to be in the the Newport Aquarium tour, do we need to purchase tickets a head of time???
Lets exchange e-mail at the meeting so we don't get on someones spam list, there are some stupid people out there.


I got the newsletter and the email but my husband and I have 2 other meetings that day here in Lafayette so we won't be there

I am working on fragging more now that this club is up and running. I really like the idea of trading etc.
Hope to meet all of you soon!


Staff member
I'm going to move this over to the Corals and Trading Forum, were hobby club topics go.


Active Member
Sounds like most everybody got the email, I hope to see each of you there, I am really excited about our first meeting and what we will be doing. If no one objects I will print an address list as well as an email list for each of you. If you would prefer to be excluded from this list just let me know and I will take care of it. I can have the list at the meeting, or email it to each of you.
As for keeping our frags and other items comfortable while we are having our meeting, I will have a tank with warmed water in it so we can place our bags, tupperware, etc in it to keep them warm enough, I think that they should be fine as far as water quality and o2 count until we get them home, after all they do ship overnight in a small bag of water.
For the trip in March I will be discussing the specifics breifly at this meeting just to give an intro, then in February I will give the cost, time and day. I beleive it will be on Sunday the 18th, and right now the cost is looking to be aprox 25-30 for each person going. I think about 25.76 but not 100% sure. Again I will explain the specifics at the meeting.
OTTY I forgot that you will be coming from south of Columbus, You should be able to find the house since you are familiar with Columbus, but if you need more directions just email me and I will give you some.
Happy swimming...


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
OTTY I forgot that you will be coming from south of Columbus, You should be able to find the house since you are familiar with Columbus, but if you need more directions just email me and I will give you some.
Happy swimming...
You are right behind Williamburg apartments so I should be able to find it OK. Trying to get one more guy here at work with me a KOgle to join, so we will see. I'll give you his address if he is willing.


Active Member
He is already signed up... beat ya to it... Yep I am right behind the apartments, I throw rocks at them all the time lol jk


Hey Jay got all your info. I won't have any trades But will try and get there and met all that Love this hobby as much as I do.