Hey the three of us that showed up had a good time shooting the chit and gazing into Jay awsome tank. I being a new-be really enjoyed the fragging demo, never knew it was that easy. Did some swapping on some item and you'll catch me at the next one. I really enjoy talking to someone about saltwater that doesn't roll their eyes when you mention it, (Mommy)...
Let me know if it changes from the 3rd sunday next month, if not then I will see all of you at Jay's again. Maybe by April I will have the 265 gal I just bought up and running at the house and we can have the meeting here. I am in the process of mounting it in the wall with a 3 sided view (front, back, and 1 short side). It is my dream tank and I've always wanted one flush in the wall. Came across one I couldn't pass up, obsession.......
c ya

Let me know if it changes from the 3rd sunday next month, if not then I will see all of you at Jay's again. Maybe by April I will have the 265 gal I just bought up and running at the house and we can have the meeting here. I am in the process of mounting it in the wall with a 3 sided view (front, back, and 1 short side). It is my dream tank and I've always wanted one flush in the wall. Came across one I couldn't pass up, obsession.......

c ya