IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)


Anyone from the IRC have interest in a huge green brittle star? I will trade for any kind of coral.


hi all. Do you all ever get up around fort wayne. Let me know where i can sign up. Maybe a I can make a road trip for a meeting and check it out. I could use a little help with all this stuff. And someone to talk too. They woman just shakes her head and doesnt get it. Thanks


Active Member
Thanks to everyone that went on Sunday, I don't know that I was 100% impressed with the behind the scenes tour, but it wasn't bad. I love walking through the aquarium just the same, and it was nice to share the experience with all of you...


Active Member
back by popular demand... our meetings will be moved back to Sundays until further notice, one hour earlier so that anyone traveling can get home at a decent hour, 6:00 on april the 22nd will be the next one, newsletter should go out by the 7th if everything goes according to plan, topic for this month will be
clean up crew the who what where when and why of our tropical janitors...


Active Member
haha, popular demand huh? lol...i liked thinking it was sunday, then when it came to the next day, i still had a day off work! sounds great if that means more people making it!


Active Member
we shall see if it really is popular demand or not, several members have approched me as of late to have it changed back to sunday's, so I decided we would give it a try, plus with me not getting home until 6 on saturdays, it didn't give me much time before the meeting to get dinner in and everything else i needed to do before hand...
and how exactly do you wrangle zoos anyways bronco?, with a laso made of floss? LOL


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
we shall see if it really is popular demand or not, several members have approched me as of late to have it changed back to sunday's, so I decided we would give it a try, plus with me not getting home until 6 on saturdays, it didn't give me much time before the meeting to get dinner in and everything else i needed to do before hand...
and how exactly do you wrangle zoos anyways bronco?, with a laso made of floss? LOL
Boo!! I will have to miss out.


Sounds great to me. The people that wanted it moved wasn't even showing up to the meeting anyway. This will give the weekend party people their saturday night and then we can meet while they are hungover....

I will be heading over to Terre Haute this weekend meeting with SEASL (Saltwater Enthusiasts of St. Louis) and touring Inland Aquatic so if anyone is gonig please let me know and I will put you on the roster for the seminar. I was sure nice of them to open this up to our new group.


Active Member
how are everyones tanks doing? mine is doing great, recovering well from the montipora capernicus virus I had that destroyed my big colony and attempted to wipe out my 2 smaller ones... I am expecting a clean up crew of reinforcements to come in tomorrow, got some shirmp, crabs, hermits, and a pair of gobies, that will hopefully be breeding in no time at all. We shall see... Newsletter goes out on the 6th or 7th, does anyone have a problem with me emailing it, or should I continue to send them in the mail... (i can always do both) Next meeting is the 22nd at my place, 6:00 p.m.... That is a change from saturday evenings back to sunday evenings, and one hour earlier...


Active Member
hello fellow hoosiers. i would love to join and come to a meeting. I live in beford do you guys ever get this far or where is the meetings held at? also i am just starting and i dont have anything to trade do you sell them to ppl like me that are just starting out? pls email me and let me know how this all works.


I think I found a piece of aptasia in my tank last night which really baffles me becasue I've never had any and I haven't added any LR for at least 3 months. I couldn't find any more and I'm not even sure it was aptasia but I didn't want to chance it. Other than that the tank is doing awesome. I seem to have some fertile snails in my tank becasue I have a ton of small ones and I found some more eggs on the glass last night....


Active Member
I got an order from swf yesterday, can't say that I was all that impressed, but it was only mostly clean up crew reinforcements anyways. I ordered a group of 5 peppermint shrimp, supposed to be 1-2 inches, I got 4 that were less than 1 inch... suffice to say my cardinals made a quick meal out of at least 2 of the 4 last night. I ordered hermits, (20) and they came with no water in the bag... never heard of them being shipped like that I ordered 3 emeralds got them just fine, however I think one may be a rock crab, so i stuck it is a tupperware bowl for now, until I get an ID, I also ordered 2 of the barbershop gobies, trying to get another breeding pair of fish in my tank, they were so tiny, one less than 1 inch, the other only slightly bigger... But all in all not to bad I don't guess...


I don't like buying livestock off line you can not see what you are getting. Up there where bronco works they have great livestock and tuns of clean up crew.


Active Member
i was going to trade him (bronco) for some stuff up there, but decided to go online instead (stupid me) in hindsight I should have gone thru bronco, you never can tell what you will get these days... Like I said, not really disappointed, just not over joyed, kind of a neutral shopping eperience for me as far as it goes...