IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)



Hi all, been away for awhile, hope all is fine. I should be getting a frag of "superman acanthasrea lordhwensis" within the next few days. Hope it looks as nice as the picture (bought it off "

"). If it does as well as I hope, maybe in a few months I'll have a frag of my own to trade. Am looking forward to the next meeting, am waiting on the newsletter. Looks like OSU is going down to FL (dang those pesky gators) ............LOL


Bronco do you guys have any carpet anenomes in right now? I'm looking for a blue one preferably. I think Scott and I are going to come up to PA Saturday...


Active Member
hey, no we dont have any carpets right now...jeremy is out so no livestock this week..probably getting more next week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Cool. You guys still have the normal clean up crew stuff and corals right?

yep yep!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
hey isnt there a trading meeting april 14, just wandering but i think it will be cool

Not for our club, but if you are inviting us that would be great, I can spread the word thru the club and see if anyone wants to participate Our meetings are typically the second to last sunday of the month, in columbus...


Active Member
Hey bronco, what you doing tomorrow after work? want to come down and work on the system, I will be building the main supports for the tank base tomorrow, should have it ready to be plumbed for next time you can come down... I am going to try and get the stand finished, get the fuge lights hung, and figure out the lighting for the actuall frag system... My wife has stuff to do, so it will be just me and johnathan at the house to work on it...


Hey Jay speaking of working on tanks and fuges and whatnot, I was working on my sump last night trying to add a fuge and while moving it I dropped it on both of my thumbs. This wouldn't have been a big deal except it still had all of the LR rubble in it and a bit of water. I now have two cut up and bruised thumbs. To make matters worse I had to dip my bloody stumps in the sump after filling it back up with water to situate some equipment. That felt pretty good if I do say so.

The good news is my plan on the sump mod worked and I should be able to add sand to the sump this weekend to get a fuge started.


Bronco will you be working at PA Saturday? I'll be up there around noon or so. Wouldn't mind meeting you in person before the 4-22 IRC meeting.


Active Member
hey ogle, quit whining.... j/k to bad about the fingers... I stuck my hand in a tank with stray voltage not to long ago, didn't have feeling in my fingers for a few hours... Sucks you had to put the mangled nubs in saltwater as well, my fingers split open everytime i am in the tank these days, hang nails and dried spots that crack open, I am thinking the saltwater takes all of the moisture out of my hands... burns/stings/hurts like a mofo...
No problem bronco on the message, I meant to email you about it too, but ran out of time... I am sure you got my email this morning though...


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Bronco will you be working at PA Saturday? I'll be up there around noon or so. Wouldn't mind meeting you in person before the 4-22 IRC meeting.

haha, sorry, i dont work on saturdays--


Yea Jay I know there's a certain amount of pain and suffering that goes along with this hobby. I'm with you on the saltwater and dry skin thing. It's worse after mixing saltwater.
That sucks on the stray voltage thing though. Glad you didn't get hurt too bad. Who would write the newsletter then?


Active Member
I am sure that Bronco could handle the day to day operations of the club or any of you other guys, I'm just glad the worst thing that came of it was the permanent spike to my
And yeah, what is it with fresh saltwater that eats your hands the way it does... That is always the worst for me, not to mention mainly my right hand and arm are in the tank, hardly ever the left, so that one is always messed up, but not my left...LOL


Active Member
Alright guys, spread the word, there is a frag swap on the 14 of April
Directions to the swap:
Take 465 towards the airport
Go East on Airport Expressway
Turn Right (South) onto Lynhurst
Go straight through first stoplight
Turn left into Lynhurst immediately after going over bridge
last year 110 ppl showed up with vendors and everything
It will be AWSOME
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish



Hey jay, I'm not online as much these days but you never sent me the news letter? I would like to know what's going on with the club.


Active Member
Hey KRONNK7 I have been emailing the newsletters out, I will see if I can send it to you that way, if not email me your home address again and I will get it to you, I know its hunt street (I think)... But thats about all I can remember.....