IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)



Well I finally found a 75 gal tank to make a sump out of and got it running tonight. I am going to take the 30 tall I had for a sump and make a refugium out of. I will get it drilled tomorrow night. I put an extra hole in the 75 to run my pump for the skimmer to keep motors out of the water, every bit of heat I can save will be very valuable. Should be able to hit the actinics this weekend and start running them 12 hours a day to get coralline going. Finally coming together.....Next is the MH's...



While cruising the forums and looking for information/help on my reef project, I noticed your group. Glad to see others in Indiana (there is almost NOTHING SW related in Anderson
I am interested in what is required to take part in your group. I certainly can't offer any advice yet (I'm a newbie - I had a minimal 55G SW/Reef tank about 12 years ago and I am re-entering the hobby) or frags to trade (I just put water in my tank and will be buying my live rock tomorrow
) but would still be interested.
Can you provide information on joining?
Here is what I have for equipment and where I am in the process (taking a LOOOONG time!)
* Reef-Ready 90 Gallon All-Glass Brand Tank
* All-Glass Brand Mission-Style Cherry Stand
* All-Glass Brand Mission-Style Cherry Canopy
* Reef Devil Acrylic Sump
* Reef Devil Deluxe Skimmer (CA 2200 Pump)
* Max 9.5 Return Pump
* Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper2 Controller
* Outer-Orbit Lighting (48" 2x Powerpaq 150w 10K MQI MH, 2x Sunpaq 130w Dual Actinics 420/460nm, 6 Moon White Lunar lights)
* (3) AquaClear 70 (400 GPH) Powerheads (Connected to WaveMaker Cycles on Controller)
* Coralife PureFlo II RO/DI Unit
* DIY Water Softener Brine Tank w/Float Valve for Auto Shut-Off "Re-Purposed" as a RO Water Holding Tank

* (8) 20lb Bags Carib-Sea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Reef Sand
* (2) Rena Cal 100w Heaters
* (1) Rena Cal 200w Heaters
* Salifert Test Kits (Phosphate, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH, Calcium, Ammonia, KH/Alk)
* Tropic Marin Sea Salt
* Books - "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" and "The New Marine Aquarium"
* Adequate Electrical Considerations (Grounded Circuits, GFCI's, UPS/Battery Backup for Return Pumps & Heaters
I have "created" enough RO water, and mixed an appropriate amount of salt, to enable filling my tank within 2" of the top. When I add the live rock, it should displace enough water to completely fill the tank, fill the overflow and nearly fill my sump. I will add water/salt mix as needed to finish the fill at that time. I have the heaters running and the temperature is holding at 78 degrees. I have also put all of the sand on the bottom of the tank and have the powerheads connected to the wavemaker cycles and running appropriately. The tank has been in this state for 4 days and the cloudiness from the sand is starting to clear (I suspect it will clear completely once the sump fills and I can fire-up the skimmer and return pump).
I think I have reasonably good equipment and I have been doing my homework, now it remains to be seen if I can make this work

Open to comments, questions, suggestions, etc. and looking forward to becoming a member...


Active Member
INDYWS6..... First off let me say welcome... My name is Jay and I have put the club together for everyone. You can email me at jbarbier@jdbyrider dot com at anytime for more info on our club. It sounds like from your post that you are doing everything right. I have the same lighting and I absolutely love it. The only thing I changed was the wavelength of the bulbs, I went with a 15k the first time I replaced them, the 10 k were just to yellow for my liking. I have a mixed tank of sps, lps, polyps, zoos, shrooms, and some other stuff. I have been in the hobby for about 9 years now as far as salt goes, and about 15 years total in the aquatic hobby. I am currently breeding salties, and having a great time with my reef. If you email me I can send you the latest newsletter for our club, the information found with in is very general, but I usually take the time to talk about it at greater lengths at our meetings.


Active Member
I want to propose a mission for our members. We all understand that in order to help preserve the reefs that are left in the wild it is important to educate people about the diversity of our oceans, and what we can do to preserve them. I would like to challenge each of you to do one of the following things between now and our meeting in May.
1.) Set up a time to talk to a local science class, any age group about this topic.
2.) Volunteer to set up a saltwater fish tank for a science class in a lab or other classroom (we all have spare parts laying around, and I bet between all of our members we can make this happen several times over).
3.) Volunteer at a local pet store to give a seminar on reef keeping, remember to be general and give the basics. You want to get people started, but not overwhelm them to begin with. (Your LFS may offer you a discount for doing this since you are bringing them some business, or offer the people that attend the seminar a discount for going thru the seminar.)
4.) Any other idea that pertains to this topic...
I know we are all very busy people, and that our lives are often operated by the clock. But if we can all take the time out of our schedules to reach even one person and make them into a successful reef keeper we have ensured the future of our hobby, and made a difference. By doing this we also pass on the legacy of how important it is to preserve the wild reefs that according to some experts may not be around when our grandchildren or great grand children are ready to enjnoy them.
We will talk about this in more detail at our April meeting, but again, I am extending this challenge to each of you.... Lets try to make a difference today!


Jay that sounds like a great idea. I'm always up for a challenge. I have some stuff laying around I could donate to the cause. What size tank are we talking about?


Active Member
Not sure, this can be a single adventure, or a joint venture. What ever is available. I just want to help lead on the lagacy that is our hobby, and it starts with our children, this can be done at a church sunday school class room, a preschool. Normal school, childrens club, the Kidscommons, anywhere, any type tank. Even if it is a f4reshwater tank, I would accept that as a positive step towards our challenge, anything that educates people about our hobby.


Active Member
Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow night... Remember to bring corals and such to trade... I have a few frags waiting for new homes, and would love to trade them out...


Active Member
Just wondering how everyones coral frags are doing that they got from me? Hopefully all are doing well. The button polyps have been slow to open that I got.


No frags for me but I'm still dealing with low calcium. I tested it last night and it was 320... I've had enough of meaningless weekly water changes so I broke down and ordered a calcium reactor today...
Should be able to trade you some frags in no time!!!


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
Just wondering how everyones coral frags are doing that they got from me? Hopefully all are doing well. The button polyps have been slow to open that I got.
I think they are still in shock from leaving the 95w PC's and stepping into the 3 400w MH range. If they don't open up in a week I'll bring you some more over. I also got you some fans too, let me know if there is a night you get home earlier then usual. The piece I got broke into a couple of piece on it's way into the tank but is doing well. This is only the 3rd day the actinics have been on and they are running 16 hours a day to seed coralline.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
No frags for me but I'm still dealing with low calcium. I tested it last night and it was 320... I've had enough of meaningless weekly water changes so I broke down and ordered a calcium reactor today...
Should be able to trade you some frags in no time!!!
What kind of salt are you using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
I think they are still in shock from leaving the 95w PC's and stepping into the 3 400w MH range. If they don't open up in a week I'll bring you some more over. I also got you some fans too, let me know if there is a night you get home earlier then usual. The piece I got broke into a couple of piece on it's way into the tank but is doing well. This is only the 3rd day the actinics have been on and they are running 16 hours a day to seed coralline.
I have been having awful temp fluctations in the tank, came home and each fo the last 2 nights 84+ on the temp, I need those fans real quick like. ONly night I may be able to do it would be sunday, would that work for you? I know you are usually busy on Saturday nights or we could do it then. If you aren't then let me knwo, I am home by 7 on Saturdays... 9 all other


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
I have been having awful temp fluctations in the tank, came home and each fo the last 2 nights 84+ on the temp, I need those fans real quick like. ONly night I may be able to do it would be sunday, would that work for you? I know you are usually busy on Saturday nights or we could do it then. If you aren't then let me knwo, I am home by 7 on Saturdays... 9 all other
I will get some ends put on the fans so we can just plug them in because they have male spade connectors on them. How long is the tank and how far is the oulet from the closest fan location? I don't have a gig this saturday night so maybe we can get it done then, hate to wait much longer and have casulities in the tank, temp fluctations are not good. I would tell Mommy to just turn on the A/C for the next couple of days if it gets hot. I would rather pay the electric bill then replace the corals and fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Hey Jay, I'm using IO reef crystals.
That is strange because I use the same and my calcium stays very constant, I would begin to wonder if maybe you got a bad bucket of salt, this salt has been known to have bad batches. You don't have a whole lot of calcium dependent corals right now, at least not that are very big. I would think my calcium demand may even be more in my 75 then in your tank, but just a thought. Have you tested your mixed water before adding to check for unusually low amounts of calcium?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
I will get some ends put on the fans so we can just plug them in because they have male spade connectors on them. How long is the tank and how far is the oulet from the closest fan location? I don't have a gig this saturday night so maybe we can get it done then, hate to wait much longer and have casulities in the tank, temp fluctations are not good. I would tell Mommy to just turn on the A/C for the next couple of days if it gets hot. I would rather pay the electric bill then replace the corals and fish.
The tank is 48 inchyes long, but add 2 for the canopy. the nearest outlet is directly under the tank, so a 4-5 foot cord should be sufficient. I appreciate it, Saturday would be great, I think that is going to be the next warmest day. Any day it gets over 70 the temp climbs...ouch...


I have not tested freshly mixed saltwater but that's a thought. I don't think it's the salt batch becasue this has been going on for 5 or so months. I always let the water sit for 24 hours before adding it. I do have quite a few calcium demanding corals but not proportionally to what you have versus your water capacity. I've got two branching hammer, a doughnut, plate coral, large bubble coral, monit digitata, acropora, monti cap, 2 clams, and a large pagoda cup. I'm sure I forgot something though...
I'm just going to bide my time until the reactor gets here and then watch out clams...


Active Member
I know you say its been going on for a while, but are you still using the same bucket of salt, mine lasts me about 3 months or so. Did you get the buckets at the same place? If you did and the store does not go through that much, both buckets could potentially be from the same batch. Just some thoughts, but yeah a calcium reactor will be nice. Once I upgrade I will have one.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
The tank is 48 inchyes long, but add 2 for the canopy. the nearest outlet is directly under the tank, so a 4-5 foot cord should be sufficient. I appreciate it, Saturday would be great, I think that is going to be the next warmest day. Any day it gets over 70 the temp climbs...ouch...
Don't know if you got my message on your phone but I need to know what the distance is between the top rim of the tank and your canopy?? I have a set of 5" and 3 3/4" fans but don't know which ones will fit in the opening to blow towards the lights. Help me out here buddy cause my tape measure isn't that long to reach your house...


Originally Posted by KOgle
I'm just going to bide my time until the reactor gets here and then watch out clams...
Man your going to love that reactor. It's nice to sit at work all day and come home to you levels increasing without touching the tank. Went from 400 to 425 on Ca and 1340 to 1395 on Mg. in one day. I get these guys where I want them I'll start working on my Strontium. I ready to start growing stuff in this monster...