IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
Don't know if you got my message on your phone but I need to know what the distance is between the top rim of the tank and your canopy?? I have a set of 5" and 3 3/4" fans but don't know which ones will fit in the opening to blow towards the lights. Help me out here buddy cause my tape measure isn't that long to reach your house...

I think that either would work, I beleive the opening is about 3.5 to 4 but it will need to be enlarged anyways when I put the overflow on the tank. Thanks again man...


Active Member
HEY OTTY.... I will call you when I get into Columbus tonight, I think it should be about 6:30 or so. Hope that will work for you.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
HEY OTTY.... I will call you when I get into Columbus tonight, I think it should be about 6:30 or so. Hope that will work for you.
Well it's 11:18pm ????????


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
Please see email.... Sorry about that Otty...
No biggie...hope your tank will make it the next few days.


Active Member
Hey Otty I measured it and it is 3.75 inches of space we have to work with for now, But I think that may have to be increased because of the over flow I will be putting on there on Sunday. We shall see. I should be 100% available tomorrow night, I will call and see what you are doing.


Active Member
OTTY.....Okay, not so much 100 percent available. The trip to the zoo lasted a lot longer than thought, but it was a good time, I recommend the Cincinnati zoo to anyone needing a great day trip.
On another note, I had recently purchased a pair of barber shop gobies from this website, and when they came in I got one that was extremely tiny. less than 1 inch. I had high hopes of breeding them, and was concerned about his small size. He disappeared in my tank about 4 weeks ago, no where to be seen. He was so small that I figured my lobster, hermits, emralds, or some other creature in my tank would make him into a 20 dollar snack. He showed up yesterday, out of the blue, paired with my bigger one, and they now share a burrow together. I think it was love at first wsight, they just had to find each other first. That brings my total number of paired fish back up to 4 pairs. I am super excited about what that could mean in the future for my breeding programs. I still am looking at setting those up.
On another note, (sorry the post is so long) I have a 55 gallon glass fish tank at the house, I have a guy that is offering to donate a stand for it, now we need lights, filtration, sand and rock for it so that we can set up our first club sponsored fish tank. I was thinking that maybe the boys and girls club in Columbus might benefit from it. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea, and I will work on the leg work for this to make it happen. I just need some input and supplies from you guys to make it work. Thanks again guys...


Active Member
Newsletter will go out on the 7th or 8th, meeting will be on the 20th at 7:00, may be at a different location, I will keep all of you posted
Anyone want to have the meeting at thier place?


Just an ideal Jay but we may want to rotate weekend days for the meeting each month so that the people who do things with their church on sunday's can at lease make it every other month. Just a thought!
Fans keeping the tank cool?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
Just an ideal Jay but we may want to rotate weekend days for the meeting each month so that the people who do things with their church on sunday's can at lease make it every other month. Just a thought!
Fans keeping the tank cool?
I love the idea of changing up the days. Maybe this month it will be on the 19th instead, let me get some more feedback.
The fans do a great job. I let the tank heat up to 83 yesterday, switched the fans on and it was down to 81.5 in less than 2 hours. Those fans work dramatically better than anything I could have ever gotten.


Hello everyone,
sorry i have not been able to make a meeting yet but plan on it real soon. We just got thru moving and got the tankback up and settled in. I have some exenia that i need to get rid of if anyone is looking for any. I went from a 90 gallon to a 24 gallon nano so it would be easier to move and the exenia is doing so good it has split 6 times so i need to clear some out before it takes over. I am in anderson if anyone is close


Active Member
Newsletter will be going out tomorrow, meeting will be on the 19th, that is a saturday at the usual meeting place. 7:00 for the time, we are going to alternate each month between Saturday and Sunday meetings. I will post a full list of meeting dates and times, locations will be announced in the newsletter for each month...


Active Member
May 19th 7:00 Jays house
June 17th 6:00
July 21st 7:00
August 19th 6:00
September 22nd 7:00
October 21st 6:00
November 17th 7:00
December to be announced, I was thinking a great Christmas Party would be cool. Not sure when everyone will be available.
If anyone wants to offer to have the meeting at their place let me know, these are the dates and times, pick


Cool looks like some saturday meetings are back on that works out great for me. I will see If I can do one here at my place. I will get back with you at a later date and let you know.


CAM - Greetings

I am in Anderson, too, and might be interested - if you tell me what "Exenia" is (newbie here
). Just want to make sure that my tank is ready for it and that it fits with my overall tank goals.
Can you offer any information or advice?
Thanks in advance to both,


Active Member
xenia may be a good coral for you, but it can be a little picky, you certainly have the right lights as it is a softie, and like moderate to high lighting, and moderate flow, placement can be just about anywhere in the tank. I also have some in my tank that would have been included in your started coral pack from so if you would like to get some from cam, I think you would be just fine. One thing to remember is that it does not ship or acclimate very well, so the least amount of time in the bag the better, and as an added precaution to help it transit well, I recommend placing a few peices of rinsed activated carbon in the bag with it. I have a 100% shipping rate when doing it with carbon, no matter if its 1 hour or overnight, but without it only about a 50% survival rate.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
July 21st 7:00
If anyone wants to offer to have the meeting at their place let me know, these are the dates and times, pick
I had talked to you about doing the June meeting at my house but I would rather have it on a Saturday and make a pitch in out of it so I will go for July 21st. I will supply the meat if everyone brings a covered dish (with food in and something to eat with. This would have to be a RSVP so I can make sure I lay out enough beef, just got a half side of Black Angus and it's delightful. I live on a small lake so if you want to bring your fishing gear then have at it.
If this sounds OK let me know.
KOgle's tank is looking sweet now, maybe he will go for the June date.


I was talking to my wife last night about the meeting next week and the possibility of having it at our house and she was quick to remind me that we have a wedding to go to so it looks like I'll have to catch up with you guys at Otty's house in July....


If you want to take a look at what i have let me know and you can come over and take a look. This was the first thing other than fish that i but in my tank and it worked well so i think it would be good to get you started.