Hey all .......... I have 5 cichlids that I need to get rid of (and two guppies) if anybody is interested. I am tearing down the 30 gallon. I will be getting either a 180 or a 200+ sometime this summer, so the contents of the 75 reef will be temporarly housed in the 30 until we get new carpet and the painting is done. Then the biggy ......... hopefully won't be too long of a wait. But for me to get the bigger tank as soon after the carpet is in, I will have to transfer the contents from the 75 (in the living room now) to the 30 (in the office area now) to move the 75 out for the carpet. Gawd, I hope you all can follow this. It comes down to this ... have 5 cichlids and 2 guppies that need new homes (thought I see if anybody in IRC wanted them) other wise they will go to the LFS within the next couple weeks. Let me know.
can't wait for the new "Bigggggggggg One"