IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)


Active Member
How is everyones tank doing? Mine is looking well these days, can't wait for the next meeting, anyone going to make it to the frag swap? I won't be able to, the missus and I are going to be looking for a house... We finally got approved for a home loan...yipee, and are going to look at houses tomorrow and Sunday can you say built in to go big......looking forward to it.......wahoo...

who dey

Active Member
hi jay,
just wanted to thank you again for the frags. All are acclimated and look great. Thanks so much


Hey Jay, my tank is looking good. I've got some more lighting on order and it should be here Wednesday. I'm taking the 180 from 380 watts to 1030 watts. Should see some more growth out of the LPS'.
Scott and I are going up to the frag swap today so we'll let you know how it was.


I am not part of your guys club, but you are all from my neck of the woods and I am in need of help. I leave to play semi pro basketball in three weeks and I need to get rid of my 150 gallon saltwater tank. I have a thread in the classifieds section. If anyone is interested in upgradind to bigger tank please let me know. thanks indiana reefers for looking


Active Member
Originally Posted by DylsDad
I am not part of your guys club, but you are all from my neck of the woods and I am in need of help. I leave to play semi pro basketball in three weeks and I need to get rid of my 150 gallon saltwater tank. I have a thread in the classifieds section. If anyone is interested in upgradind to bigger tank please let me know. thanks indiana reefers for looking
I will make sure word gets out that you are looking to sell, congrats on the semi pro basketball...
WHO DEY... Nice to hear the frags are doing good.
KOGLE.... Sounds like you will be ready for a frag of my montipora digitata soon, let me know when your lights are in and I will hook you up...


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
KOGLE.... Sounds like you will be ready for a frag of my montipora digitata soon, let me know when your lights are in and I will hook you up...
Hey, hey, don't forget me!
I want some too! I will be able to hit my MH's in about 2 to 3 more weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
Hey, hey, don't forget me!
I want some too! I will be able to hit my MH's in about 2 to 3 more weeks.
I guess I can get you some as well... I have 2 really big peices waiting for a home right now, both are colony size... not frag size, we are talking 4-6 inches easy... one way or another
Does anyone have anything to trade?


Sounds good to me fishgeek. I got a nice piece of monti cap this weekend. Green with purple rim. Maybe we can do some swapping sometime!
Looking forward to the meeting this weekend! :cheer:


Active Member
I have one peice that has been sitting in my sand for about a week now, I have gotten about a half inch of growth on it all the way at the bottom of my tank, so much so that is has started to grow onto the glass, it is really neat because you can see the polyp structure.... I actually have about 3 colony sized peices to get rid of, trying to take my calcium demand down a little so that my other sps have the calcium they need... As well as some frags that need to go as well... I also have an abundance of yellow polyps now as well as other stuff...


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Jay, are you still not dosing calcium?
That is correct, and I shouldn't need to, with my water change schedule, almost 10% a week, I replenish much faster than it can be taken out, I still am not testing, but have had no issues in over 3 years with it, so for now no. But I do realize that my tank has a point when it will no longer be able to be replenished with water changes, and I will start to drip kalk when that time comes, but as of now, no calcium added. I actually have my skimmer working full bore for the first time since I got it, or close to full open, so it is doing well, my tank has never looked better, I had to move my neon green trumpet, it had overgrown the place it was in, I got it a 2 heads, it now has over 20 on it, in about 6 months time max... All of my lps and sps have never looked better, with the exception of my bicolor acro, it touched my mileopora and took a beating on one of its tips, they grew together and the acro lost out to the milo.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
Does anyone have anything to trade?
I don't have much but some Green Star Polyps, Hairy Mushrooms, and Bullseye muchroom. All the other stuff I have growing you gave me.
Picked up some Zoo's over the weekend at the Frag swap but it will be a while before they are ready for fragging. Will turn on my Actinic this weekend and move 1 fish and some LR to the 265 gal. Hate to disrupt my 55 since it is doing so nicely but it has to be done. Fish stress anyone??? See you sunday at the meeting.


Active Member
Meeting is at 6:00 this time instead of 7. I wanted to give our Indy and Greenwood people ample time to get home without it being to late... Hope to see all of you at the meeting... I am looking forward to it.


Hey Jay, I do have some green button polyps I could frag if you are interested I will bring them sunday.


Active Member
sounds great... I would love to see them, I got some at Uncle Bills, but I am convinced they are retarded, they don't open all of the way, are very short, and haven't done well at all... so I would love a frag of them.... see you sunday