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  1. youmademeink

    Red Slime Bloom

    I have a 46 gal bowfront tank with roughly 45-50 lbs of live rock in the tank, and the tank has been going really well since I set it up in Jan/Feb 2007. About a month and a half ago I had an issue with the water I purchase fron my lfs (I know, but I can't afford to get the whole ro/di system...
  2. youmademeink

    Sebae anemone problem

    Well the good news is that my anenome seems to be happy and healthy. He deflates a little bit after he expells his waste, and he found a home in the sand bed kind of under a rock. However, after about two weeks he now bounces around my tank and won't seem to find a place to stay. The clowns...
  3. youmademeink

    Sebae anemone problem

    No mine does not have rings around the tenticles. He has purple/blue tips, they seem to change color depending on what light you hold him under. When I first got him, he looked blue under my normal lamps in my room, then under the tank lights he looks purple. But there are no rings, the...
  4. youmademeink

    Sebae anemone problem

    I have just purchased a white sebae anemone and a mated pair of periculi clown fish. The clown fish don't appear to be too interested in the anemone yet. For the first two or three days the anemone kind of bounced around looking for a spot to stay in, and now that he has found one he seems...
  5. youmademeink

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    Thanks, and no I haven't added any chemicals yet. I just put the water in and it doesn't really need anything yet, the pH and everything is normal, hasn't even started the nitrate cycle yet.
  6. youmademeink

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    The one I have is the smaller HOB model. I am at work right now, so I turned it off this morning so it wouldn't flood my living room. When I get home I will try your ideas and hopefully they will work. I have the air intake tube connected to the valve on the right side (per what the...
  7. youmademeink

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    I have cut my flow back, but it just ended up taking longer to fill with water. I'm at a loss. Not sure what else to do, any help would be wonderful. I know I read about someone else with a similar problem on here, I just can't remember where it was. So I am sorry for the repeat question...
  8. youmademeink

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    I just set up my Prizm Skimmer. The collection chamber keeps filling up with just water and overflowing. How do I make this stop? What do I do? Thank you in advance. :help: :help:
  9. youmademeink

    top-off water?

    I know that as the water evaporates from my tank I have to top it off with fresh RO water, but how do I do that? I don't have a sump or fuge. I have about various drip systems, but how does that work, and how do you keep it looking nice, my DT is not in a wall. I would think that if it has a...
  10. youmademeink

    Why do I need a refugium?

    Ok I have read on another post about a "hang on refugium". What is that and how does it work? and is it as good as a regular refugium?
  11. youmademeink

    Why do I need a refugium?

    Won't cheatomopha and calpura grow in the display tank? I realize most algea isn't very pleasant, but if it helps the tank out, why not let it grow there?
  12. youmademeink

    Why do I need a refugium?

    Is having a refugium really necessary? I am unclear as to why you would need one. I havea canister filter, a protein skimmer plus live rock and sand. Please help, I don't want to mess up my tank from the start.
  13. youmademeink

    Base rock?

    Ok thanks. That helps out with that question. I will be putting the base rock and sand in my tank this weekend, so lets hope all goes well.
  14. youmademeink

    Base rock?

    I hear every one on here talking about base rock, but I am unclear as to what kind of rock it is. Please clarify and will my lfs carry it? Thanks, Melanie :happyfish
  15. youmademeink

    sure am glad MI not playing for the title.

    I agree with the fact taht they didn't want it as bad as USC and it showed. I was just wondering why, I happen to think it's too much partying and too much time off. Really bites for us Michigan fans. And I completly agree about when Tampa won their dang superbowl, it's was beyond annoying...
  16. youmademeink

    sure am glad MI not playing for the title.

    Originally Posted by sig45 See it looks as in this case the BCS voting went in the right direction, MI looses again, Florida vs Ohio state is a great pick for the national Championship game, on that note how about Boise state and their undefeated season. If you honestly knew anything or...
  17. youmademeink

    Sand then rock?

    Thank you all for the help. I will be putting about 45 pounds of live rock in my 46 gal tank. I also plan on buying cured rock because I am new to this I don't want to worry about critters that may be harmful. It's a little headache I am willing to pay a bit more to not have.
  18. youmademeink

    Sand then rock?

    I am new to the salt water squarium world and recently purchased a 46 gallon tank. I have all the necesary equipment to start it up, I was just wondering about the live sand and rock. Being that I do have somewhat of a budget (it's taken me a while to get everything to get to this point) how...