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  1. topherice18

    New Frags

    I just got my very first bunch of frags from my LFS. I got some star polyps and some zooanthids. Should I do the drip menthod to acclimate or float the bag..... and when I do put them in the tank, should i use rubberbands to attach to the rocks of the super glue.... a speedy responce would be...
  2. topherice18

    I think Im ready

    you tank is absolutely beautiful
  3. topherice18

    I think Im ready

    thank you for your help everyone... this is truely the best place there is for all marine questions, concerns, ect...
  4. topherice18

    I think Im ready

    Originally Posted by joncat24 do a search on lowlight corals and see what ya is in the eye of the beholder So I should start with lowlight corals, or is that all my lights can handle?
  5. topherice18

    I think Im ready

    Originally Posted by joncat24 what type of lighting do you have??? easy corals and low light corals are mushrooms, star polyps, zoanthids.and leathers Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Flourecent 48" 260 watt setup. Some specifics on some mushrooms or star polyps and everything else...
  6. topherice18

    I think Im ready

    Now i have had my 55 gallon fish only tank established and cycled for 8 months now. I have my nitrates under control with biweekly partial water changes, I have iodine, chromaplex, and calcium foods. I now have ample lighting and water movement in my tank. I think i am ready for my first...
  7. topherice18

    new lighting system

    Originally Posted by Sarge On my 75g tank I have my Actinic's cut on about an hour before the daylight ones and stay on an hour later after the dyalights cut off. Not sure if it makes any difference, it was what was suggested when I setup the tank. The guy at the LFS that i bought the fixture...
  8. topherice18

    new lighting system

    Originally Posted by SCSInet LED moonlights can be left on all the time. They last essentially forever, consume almost no power, and you won't know the difference when the main lights are on. It's not worth the timer. You can scale your lights (turn some on, then others, etc), or you can...
  9. topherice18

    new lighting system

    I just bought a 48" Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact flourecent fixture, and I have never had my lights on timers before for my 55 gallon fish only (soon to be reef tank). I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for when I should have the lights turn on and off, and which lights i...
  10. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    i have just been feeding it Sally's frozen marine cuisine and some marine flake. I dont have pictures yet but will post them soon. and I havent checked my water source yet... i will be doin that soon and will update as soon as test is complete
  11. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    Originally Posted by cwgibson sorry, my post came in after the other guy. you can get them online,just google it. how old is your tank,what type of filtration? I've had the tank setup for about 8 months now. and other than some red slime algea I have had very good fortune as far as i can tell...
  12. topherice18

    anyone near Adrian, MI I need RO

    Im in need of an RO unit, one that doesnt need to be attached to a water source at all times. Anyone have anything I can either get shipped here or close enough for me to come get it.. will pay for shipping charges
  13. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    Originally Posted by cwgibson test all your parameters, a yellow tang really shouldnt be in a 55g tank to begin with. how old is this tank? what other parameters do I test, Im still fairly new at this
  14. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    where can I get a corallife ro unit
  15. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    I have been lookin into RO but I dont have a space faucet to use for it because I live in an apartment complex, I just have my kitchen and bathroom sink. The ammonia was 0 so is the nitrites and the ph is 8.2 the temp 78 and thats all I have test kits for... and I think it read between 20-40...
  16. topherice18

    sick/dying fish

    I have a 55 gallon fish only tank and all of my fish (couple damsels and a yellow tang) are doing excellent, they are eating well and dont appear to be stressed out at all. I have never seen any fish bother this sick yellow tang and he has been eating well also. I checked my water and the...
  17. topherice18

    A book for a beginner

    Thang you everyone for your help, I will give all of those books a try, I hope it helps. Everyone here is so helpful, I really appreciate it. Wish me luck!
  18. topherice18

    A book for a beginner

    I have been hearing a lot of hype about books for beginners, I have been into salt for a while and I think I missed out on some of the basics, I would love some feedback on some good beginner books that might help me catch up.. Thank you
  19. topherice18

    Red Algea

    any ideas in how to get be rid of it. Do I need to increase the circulation in the tank?
  20. topherice18

    Red Algea

    Im relatively new to the Saltwater World, I have had my tank setup and running for about 7 months now and I have this out of control dark red algea growth all over the place that light hits directly. I would love to hear any and everyones suggestions on what may eat it/get rid of it.. Thank you