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  1. mark24

    Why in the hell are stand/canopies so damn expensive!!!!!!!!!

    I got a new picture of the stand being built. 1.The way we painted it was with a compressed air machine, with a paint spray gun thing (highly technical term). We also did 2 coats of primer, by hand, and 2 coats of paint. 2. All that we really needed to use was a good amount of 2x4's, ply wood...
  2. mark24

    Why in the hell are stand/canopies so damn expensive!!!!!!!!!

    You can check out pix of my tank/stand me and my dad built it. Just click on the home page icon. -Mark
  3. mark24

    what kinds of triggers w/a lion fish?

    Almost all Pacific triggers will work with lions. But very few fish can survive with undulated trigers. They best advice is to sell the undlated back and maybe get a Snowflake eel. The book that I have is "The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver" Provides alot of info. -Mark
  4. mark24


    What size tank do you have him in? And what are his tankmates? -Mark
  5. mark24

    Snowflake growing horns

    Try to get a picture of him. Then we might be aable to tell you what it is. -Mark
  6. mark24

    **Adding one more fish...should I?**

    A feather duster is pretty hardy as far as inverts go, and dont need a large amount of light. How many watts are your lights?
  7. mark24

    Boycott Southdown .. Read This

    The reason for the name change is because Southdown was bought by Cemex.
  8. mark24

    puffer question

    If you take out the angel, and you might want to get a snowflake instead of the zebra. But I do see that tank working.
  9. mark24

    Foxface lo?

    Ok thanks -Mark
  10. mark24

    SALTY: Lifeguard pump?

    Doesn't it overheat? -Mark
  11. mark24

    3 week cycling?

    And they would be a bit pricey and in my house wouldnt make it to my tank :p -Mark
  12. mark24

    niger trigger

    Also live feeders lead to more aggressive behavior.
  13. mark24

    My water is 90 degrees!!

    Also float little bags of ice on top of the water. -Mark
  14. mark24


    I've made some mistakes. But look at Devillion's previous posts. I think that he might have a tendency to over stock tanks. And being flazed by other people is 'tuff love.' -Mark
  15. mark24


    Concider the shark as dead, the odds that one of the most aggrssive fish I've ever seen, that has a taste for cartilage. Even if triggers didnt bother sharks, the bare minium sized tank would have to be a 375 gallon tank,but beacuse they do, I would dare to say no sharks with triggers in...
  16. mark24

    Foxface lo?

    Thanks, but do you think the setup will work?
  17. mark24

    Foxface lo?

    Hey, I was hearing that dlight doesnt like his tang, now I, second guessing getting one too. But will this work in a 135 Antennata Lion (originally a voltain, cut for space), Harlequin tusk, Humu-Humu trigger, snowflake eel, and maybe a foxface lo. At two site the both said that they will work...
  18. mark24

    Baby Clown Trigger in Community tank?

    No, no, no. Clowns are one the most aggressive triggers. Not to mention eating habits detiorating water quality, their size (occasionally over a foot long in capitivity), and most tangs, full sized angels, and butterflies get to big for a 65gal tank. Sorry man, but rather find out before than...
  19. mark24

    Help with eel

    Yeah, Garden eels burrow into the sand bed, and stick out and move with the current or water flow like sea grass. They also do best in a good size group, and dont be too shabby with the sand, I've heard no less then 6 inches. They also do best alone like seahorses. They are really neat. -Mark