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  1. disgraced

    Diffrent color Coralline growth, what does it mean?

    Originally Posted by Aztec Reef lighting spectrum has no significance to color.. I disagree, there is a reason that almost all aquariums have purple coraline. Anything dependent on photosynthesis has a preference as to the amount of light....from coral zooxan to basic algae. My opinion anyway.
  2. disgraced

    Any thoughts?...

    syconoid sponge ?
  3. disgraced

    Is This Red Slime???

    Cyanobacteria hates oxygen rich environments...make sure you have good water flow throughout the tank. Cyanobacteria is basically pond scum...grows in ponds etc because there is no water movement. improper lighting and/or direct sunlight from a window can also be a factor. my advice anyway for...
  4. disgraced

    pink algae?????

    does it have syphon holes? if so, then it's a sponge in my opinion. Pink sponges are not all that uncommon.
  5. disgraced

    Diffrent color Coralline growth, what does it mean?

    Lighting is usually the main cause of which color dominates in my opinion.