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  1. nynex

    Freshwater Dip

    I would be very careful with a lionfish...You cant touch them. They can sting you,which will most likely get you a trip to the hospital. You cant net them either. You need to move them in a container. I would reserch this a little more before you try it.. To do a Freshwater Dip: You take a...
  2. nynex

    Ick is killing me - please help :)

    sac10918...What you should have a 50% water change every week in the QT...That way the water quality would have remained good and then QT tank would never cycle. I also have a marineland Bio wheel on my QT tank. Also well you are medicating in the can add PRIME from Seachem...
  3. nynex

    my new 55 gallon tank

    ya I can see the smudge on the that you pointed that very cool....ich is no fun!!
  4. nynex

    my new 55 gallon tank

    Oh thats cool... The pic makes it look just like ich. Good thing you got the cleaners too!! Like I said the QT is very important for future tankmates. Post more pics...when you get a chance.
  5. nynex

    Tank mates for Seahorses

    Rykna remember to keep your flow very low. Seahorses do not like alot of flow. I would suggest getting a dual exhaust with a gatevalve on it, so that you can regulate the flow. There is place here in Orlando called Sea in the City. They sell those for about $25. You can go to please do not...
  6. nynex

    my new 55 gallon tank

    Looks like Ich to me...Browniebuck didnt you QT your fish before you put them in your Display tank? This is the second thread ive typed this Before you put your new fish in your Display tank. You should always give them a freshwater dip and then put them in a QT/hospital tank for...
  7. nynex

    Fake Decor in QT?

    I wouldnt use uncured rock. I would only use cured live rock. I would highly recomend using a product from Seachem called Stability. This is a very pure form of benifical bacteria and believe it or not will cycle your tank in under 2 weeks. I also use it when I add new fish and durring water...
  8. nynex

    Fake Decor in QT?

    Also..azfishgal...Do you leave your QT running all the time? Even when there are no fish in QT. There is no need for this. I never leave mine running. I QT the new fish. Once they are fine and go into the Display tank. I empty the QT tank. Clean it out and its sits till the next time. There...
  9. nynex

    Fake Decor in QT?

    Sharkboy, even in a QT your fish need some kind of Structure. Mine has a nice piece of fake coral in it. Does not look bad! Azfishgal your QT should have the back and sides blacked out either painted or with with a black or blue background.Remember your fish travel a great distance to get to...