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  1. zexx

    Need Duncan Help!

    pH is 8.2-8.4
  2. zexx

    Need Duncan Help!

    Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 0 I didn't see the pH i'll retest right now
  3. zexx

    Need Duncan Help!

    I have had this piece for 6 months and it has been fine, but about a week ago one of the heads detached from the base. I'm not sure why this happened but I did a water change and tested the parameters. All normal, but today a second head fell off. I went ahead and took a water sample to my LFS...
  4. zexx

    My BF chipped my ADA

    Wow that is simply an awesome tank! I kind of remember seeing one like it, but 12 gallon, I could never find it again though! Will you please pm me the link?
  5. zexx

    Biocube lighting transfer

    Money I'm a poor college student and looking to try to see what I can do with what I have. I've been reading up and it seems to me's just a simple move everything from one container to another, but I've never done anything like this and want as much info as possible :P
  6. zexx

    Biocube lighting transfer

    I have a 29 Biocube in my garage right now and was wondering if it's possible to take the lighting system from the lid to a canopy or hood?
  7. zexx


    hmm i see... Well, is there a species of hermits known for being more peaceful? Only reason I assume it may have been the hermits doing is because the mandarin wasn't much bigger than then, and they did jump him once or twice while it was asleep, and I had to remove them from him. Ive heard...
  8. zexx

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    wow... your frags are simply amazing. if you are ever willing to sell/trade do let me know!!
  9. zexx


    Is it possible that small (less than half an inch) blue leg hermit crabs could be murderers? I have a set of 6 (out of the original 12) blue leg hermit crabs that I ordered off this site when I started my first tank. They have journeyed with me through 3 tanks and 2 moves. All along the way...
  10. zexx

    Nano Cube vs BioCube

    I don't know about the nano cube, but I had the biocube you're looking at. My BIGGEST thing about it was that the lid was not hinged to the tank. I didn't think it was a big deal when I first saw the tank, boy was I wrong. It was a pain for anything that didn't fit in the feeding square. If you...
  11. zexx

    Lionfish in Trouble

    Here's a picture.
  12. zexx

    Lionfish in Trouble

    I recently added a antennata(or radiata i'm not sure) lionfish to our tank, we already had a fumanchu lionfish which is well established and healthy. Today I came home and my fumanchu had a large bulging eye, which is cloudy. The other eye and the rest of his skin is fine. Could this have been...
  13. zexx

    Still have Sunpod/clamp-on MH

    Hello, can you send me the specs of the sunpod? I might be intrested in buying it.
  14. zexx

    Blue Urchin

    They eat other algae (like hair algae) a lot more than coraline but if there is coraline in your tank they will eat it to some extent. The bigger issue with these is that all those little tentacles on them are used to pick up stuff to use as camouflage... and mine a few times ripped polyps off...
  15. zexx

    LED Light

    Ah I see, thanks
  16. zexx

    LED Light

    How does that light compare to PC's? How do I know what i can/can't keep under it?
  17. zexx

    Blue Urchin

  18. zexx

    White Anemone Crab

  19. zexx

    Mandarin Dragonette

    I love the green spotted one's too! I just never see them in stores :(
  20. zexx

    LED Light

    I'm thinking of starting a pico tank and was browsing around for lighting. I came across a light that uses only LED's. Here's what the site says about it: The 5.1 Pico Light features the latest in high power LED Technology. Offering great performance, great spectral qualities, and a major...