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  1. eric18

    aaneome sucked into filter

    please answer quickly cause i have to get back to school!!!!
  2. eric18

    aaneome sucked into filter

    please answer quickly cause i have to get back to school!!!!
  3. eric18

    aaneome sucked into filter

    k my mom jsut called me in schoiol to toell me my anenome got scuked into my filter intake i dont know how long its been like this but i reall cant get him off. i took him out and turned off the filter and put the anome and intake into a bucket of water what shoiukld i do to get things running...
  4. eric18

    anemome trouble

    most peopel complain of keeping them alve but i have a worse problem i got mine about a year ago anbd it was about 2 inches in diamater he is now doing a great and is about 9 inches the trouble is he has eaten 2 of my fish (even though i feed him feeder fish) and is starting to hurt my corals. I...
  5. eric18

    Tank Backgrounds

    I have a blue balckround that starts off asa lgiht blue and fades into a very dark blue wich makes it look cool becasue the color of the backround reflects the depth...and jsut a note the mirrors backround would stress out the fish
  6. eric18

    LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...

    i wouldnt say retarted they just want ur money
  7. eric18

    LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...

    i wouldnt say retarted they just want ur money
  8. eric18

    Nurse Shark in 20 Gallon ?

    ya nad u might want to add ray or bamboo shark while ur at it
  9. eric18

    Dragon eel and clown trigger?

    i asked a similar question but a tessleta instad of a dragon and got mixed responses but i perwsonally feel it should work both of these eels can be pretty nasty just keep an eye on the tank to make sure they get along somewhat
  10. eric18

    Can I have tangs in my 55 gallon?

    I would notadvise putting tangs in a 55 gallon tank they will putfrpw it and by that time you will most likely become attach or it swill get stressed and die due to the lack of swimming room.
  11. eric18

    did I mess up?

    melissa your readings may be fine now but in a week or 2 they may sky rocket becasue ur tnak will go throguh another cycle but doin worry theyll go down after that and those fish u have should be able to handle it
  12. eric18

    Is 30 gal out of the question

    theres no way you can keep triggers lions and puffers with triggers the most you can do with that tank is the snowflake and 1 or 2 damsels
  13. eric18

    Black Ribbon Eel

    fugu that pakistan thing isnt funny
  14. eric18

    leather coral

  15. eric18

    Ease of Keeping for Seahorses

    what size tank do they need?
  16. eric18

    leather coral

    thanx for the reply what about the red at the base?
  17. eric18

    reef safe?

    sallys are ok i got 2 of them in my reef
  18. eric18

    leather coral

    someone has to know something
  19. eric18

    Long Tentacle will not stay put!!!!

    o and whatever you do dont move him he is where he is becasue he liek it there moving him will stress him out and lead to death you can only hope that eventually hell find a nice place in front
  20. eric18

    Long Tentacle will not stay put!!!!

    justin, i had the same probem for the first month then finally my long tentacle sttled in the back. But now it has grown quite large (was theabout 2 inch diamater now 6 inch) and has roase up out of the back is completly visible between my rocks and wall. Your anenome is most likey moving ins...