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  1. surfertdr

    12g aquapod

    thanks for all the suggestions. i am going today after work to pick something out so i will let everyone know what i get, maybe get a couple of pics up here
  2. surfertdr

    12g aquapod

    I have a 12g aquapod with a clown, clean up crew, and small cuc. as for the corals i have a ricordia mushrom and a couple button polyps. I need help stocking and just wanted a couple of suggestion on easy ways to brighten the tank. I was thinking of getting a star fish?? Does anyone have any...
  3. surfertdr

    12g Aquapod Filter

    I have a 12g aquapod and was wanting to know what was best to do in the filter. There are four chambers in the filter i have 1. Blue sponge 2. Live rock 3. Live rock 4. Pump What does everyone else do to there filtration? any suggestions?
  4. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    thanks, i think my tank has allready cycled though. All the levels went up and now they are all perfect.
  5. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    I have added more live sand, a little bit more live rock, and live rock rubble to the filter compartments. In chamber two it is filled with lr and in chamber three it is filled halfway with lr and the bioballs on top of that. any suggestions for the filter?? what about filterfloss what does that...
  6. surfertdr

    Better Pictures of the 12 gal

    first off what is the purple stuff called that you have growing on the rocks and on the back of the tank? Also how do you get it to grow? I really like how it looks and even seen different colors of it growing than just the purple in some tanks. is it just algae? I have a 12g aquapod with 54w...
  7. surfertdr

    Aquapod 12g cooling system

    alright sounds good, but do i need a heater to warm up the water at night?
  8. surfertdr

    Aquapod 12g cooling system

    On the aquapod 12g how does the cooling fan work? Is it blowing the air to the tank or is it blowing the air out of the tank so air will be pulled in from the other vent? The reason i am wanting to know is because i have an extra fan and I wanted to put it in but im not to sure how it works. The...
  9. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    today I took out the bioballs and have two chambers filled with liverock and one with a sponge. The water temp is about 81 degrees, what is the ideal temp for a reef tank?? Does anyone recommend adding anything to the tank like prime to speed up the cycling? Also that is a clam, well its a clam...
  10. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    I dont think the rocks were cured but the pieces i bought didnt have anything living on them that i noticed
  11. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    alright, thanks for the info!!
  12. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    ok i fixed the picture
  13. surfertdr

    New 12g Aquapod

    About 1 hour old aquapod. I just set it up how does the rock work look? The back filter has 4 compartments. 1 with a big blue sponge, 1 empty, 1 with bioballs, and then the 1 with the pump in it. so how do i set this up for it to be a reef tank??
  14. surfertdr

    New Aquapod 12g

    your tank looks awesome. mine is suppose to arrive tomorrow and maybe i can get some pics up of the rock work i choose
  15. surfertdr

    New Aquapod 12g

    I decided to go with a nano tank!! anyways i have never really had a reef tank before and was wanting to know a little info that could help me. first off how does everyone aquascape with the live rock to make it look so cool??? Also the tank i have bought has 54 w pc and 160 gph pump. is that...
  16. surfertdr

    Live rock

    good info, thanks
  17. surfertdr

    Sea Cucumber

    I was wondering how well a sea cucumber would do in a 12g tank? How often would you feed it DT's??
  18. surfertdr

    Live rock

    I have had saltwater tanks for a while now but i have never used live rock. I recently bought a new 12 g nano cube and i would like to know some info before i go buy the live rock. here are a few questions i was wondering: what type of rocks are best, how do you stack the rocks like all the...
  19. surfertdr

    Live Rock

    I have had saltwater tanks for a while now but i have never used live rock. I recently bought a new 12 g nano cube and i would like to know some info before i go buy the live rock. here are a few questions i was wondering: what type of rocks are best, how do you stack the rocks like all the...
  20. surfertdr


    I have had saltwater tanks for a while now but i have never used live coral. I recently bought a new 12 g nano cube and i would like to know some info before i go buy the live rock. here are a few questions i was wondering: what type of rocks are best, how do you stack the rocks like all the...