Search results

  1. jroath87

    400w Ballast/bulb for sale

    will u take 150 and i will come pick it up im in connecticut
  2. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    i dont have a sump but comes wih everything else
  3. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    i dont have a digital but i have someone coming tommrow to take pics of one of my cars im selling i'll snap a few of the tank too and email them to you asap
  4. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

  5. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    baseball man 500 obo for everything i'll wait to hear back from u before i part anything if he decides he doesnt want the fish i'll take 30 for the sailfin and 3 chromis
  6. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    ok i need this gone so i lowered the price
  7. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    i cant i gotta get rid of everything i dont have any other tanks to store stuff in so its kinda liek an all or nothing deal sorry man oh and by the way im in connecticut if anyone was considering picking up the tank
  8. jroath87

    For Sale 75gallon setup

    75gallon tank iron stand 80lbs live aragonite sand approx 40-50 lbs maybe more of live rock protein skimmer 600 gph filter with built in heater heater power head mozoo power compact light digital thermometer lots of snails and blue legs sailfin tang 3 green chromis six line wrasse clarki clown...
  9. jroath87

    Nova Extreme Pro

    im thinking about going with the 48" nova. four HO bulbs with lunars for only $220 isnt bad. i have a 75 still debating if 4 is enough 0r should i go with the 8 bulb model. if you get that light let me know how it works out
  10. jroath87

    just some sunday pics of 180

    gorgeous tank very well done
  11. jroath87

    questions on Kalkwasser

    hey guys just wondering how much and how often you add kalkwasser or any other calcium supplement. i got a 1.1 pound jar of powder that you mix with water. any advice on how you administer would be greatly appreciated jon-o
  12. jroath87

    is there an alternative to live sand?

    nah i didnt kniow if there was like a play sand or any other type i could get around here in bulk that would work
  13. jroath87

    is there an alternative to live sand?

    hey guys. ive been using the crushed coral in my tank for about the last year and a half but lately ive been wanting something more realistic. The live sand is insanely expensive. I was wondering if any of you knew a safe and cheap alternative so i could have a fine grain substrate like the live...
  14. jroath87

    alternative to live sand?

    hey guys. ive been using the crushed coral in my tank for about the last year and a half but lately ive been wanting something more realistic. The live sand is insanely expensive. I was wondering if any of you knew a safe and cheap alternative so i could have a fine grain substrate like the live...
  15. jroath87

    problem/ questions about my corals

    its late but i will retest int he morning and post all the results asap
  16. jroath87

    problem/ questions about my corals

    hey guys, i have a bunch of corals in my 75g reef tank, i just did a 20% water change nothing out of the ordinary. normally after water changes the corals will curl up for a few hours and then return to normal. however this time the corals have been curled up for 2 days. one started to uncurl...
  17. jroath87

    Lots Of Worms

    hey guys i ahve alot of red sandworms in my tank. I read an article recently that some can be harmful towrds corals and inverts. i had an 8 inch or so worm lurking around for quite some time and thought nothing of him. One day my sallylight foot crab and cleaner shrimp disappeared. I assumed...
  18. jroath87

    Picture Diary

    got some greens and brownish red ones i love that one pic of yours that makes them look bright yellow
  19. jroath87

    Picture Diary

    i gotta say dude your zoos are absolutly gorgeous i have a few frags i put in a few months ago i hope they turn out as good as yours did
  20. jroath87

    ocean water??

    i wouldn't just because of all the garbage and pollution in natural ocean water, plus you put yourself at risk for introducing some unwanted pests to your tank. At some fish supply stores you can buy pre-mixed saltwater. This is essentially filtered ocean water and is super easy to use if making...