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  1. chichi

    Picture?? Shrimp Goby with pistol shrimp

    Attachment 190132 I'm not sure if the picture will show up since it's the first time I've attached anything, but if not it's a picture of our shrimpgoby and pistol shrimp. Now these two guys are together all the time, so I was wondering how they take care of each other. I see the goby eating...
  2. chichi

    Hermit with Anemone

    I've never posted a pic but I'll try....I suppose I need to wait for him to reappear since he's still in hiding, I've seen him in the rock but he won't come out yet.
  3. chichi

    Hermit with Anemone

    Update!!! About an hour after I noticed the empty shell, I was sitting in front of the tank just staring, and out comes hurlyburly-without his shell (weirdest looking thing...his body just coiled up into this little ball) and he was looking for his shell, when he found it he crawled in and took...
  4. chichi

    Hermit with Anemone

    We got this hermit with anemone a couple months ago...he's great, really active, funny. We watched him change shells two times and pull his anemones off the old shell and stick them on the new one, it was incredible. So I really love this little guy, anyway, today I noticed his shell stuck...
  5. chichi

    Moving everything to bigger tank

    Just a few more questions.....what type of filter would be best?? I just have the basic filter for now but will upgrade. The lighting is also standard. If I use a powerhead to give more flow ideally where should I place it? Thanks for the help!!
  6. chichi

    Moving everything to bigger tank

    I'm not exact on the dimensions, I think 48X18. We currently have about 9 shrimp (peppermint and camel) 1 CBS, 5 small light blue fish (not sure the same, they were the first inhabitants), about 20 snails, 2 pistol shrimp, 1 brittle star, 15 hermits, 2 emerald crabs, 1 mandarin, 1 shrimp goby...
  7. chichi

    Moving everything to bigger tank

    I'm not sure where to start this thread. We started our first tank a little over a year ago and I posted here a lot then. Anyway, things have gone rather well, we have a 55 gal that has been quite stable. There are no corals, just fish and inverts, but we've acquired a 90 gallon tank and...
  8. chichi

    Wormlike things on LR sounds like these things are good then. Thanks for the quick replies!!! :cheer:
  9. chichi

    Wormlike things on LR

    There are some things on our LR that are slowly growing. Currently they are white tube like things with one single "tentacle" like thing that comes out, sifts through the sand and little pieces of sand stick to it, then it slurps up the tentacle with the sand on it. It appears as though it is...
  10. chichi

    Spiny Oyster question

    :thinking: Hmmm....maybe it might be too much for our tank. We have lots of hermits and stuff. Thanks for the info!!
  11. chichi

    Spiny Oyster question

    Our tank is almost two months old now and seems to be doing well-finished cycling and all. Anyway, my husband was looking on SWF for something different and seems to like the Spiny Oyster. :thinking: There isn't any information on it though....does anyone know what they eat, their care level...
  12. chichi

    Purple growth on glass

    My queen conch and a couple other snails have coraline on their shells--I'm glad to hear this is good. I am very new to this--could you please explain how this benefits a reef tank? I would eventually like to have more coral. So far I have one xenia and a mushroom polyp that I purchased from...
  13. chichi

    Purple growth on glass

    We have been adding a supplement b/c of the crustaceans--I suppose this could facilitate this coraline. There appears to be quite a bit on the LR that we have. Maybe I should lay off on the supplement for the time being? Thanks for such a fast reply!!! :happyfish
  14. chichi

    Purple growth on glass

    Well my tank has been set up for 6-7 weeks now and all seems to be well. I just have yet another question. There have been spirobid worms growing on the glass but they are diminishing in numbers. Now I have noticed several spots that appear to be purplish. They are at random spots on the...
  15. chichi

    Anemone coral killer?

    Our Atlantic Anemone relocated from its rock and constantly nestled next to my xenia--it did this three times and we moved things around but it always went for the it knew it was there and would wrap its tentacles around it. :notsure: We took the Anemone back to the LFS for credit...
  16. chichi

    Little white "starfish" on glass

    Hey, thanks for the link!!! That's it!!! So far I counted two in my tank, and one is missing two limbs. I kinda like these guys. I'm glad to hear they're mostly good. Thanks again!!!
  17. chichi

    Little white "starfish" on glass

    I don't think it's a brittle star. It's itsy bitsy right now, maybe a couple mm in diameter. Now that it is attached to the LR it's slowly moving and is harder to differentiate, but it is symmetrical. Actually, after looking closely at the other LR, I see at least one more. I'm going to keep...
  18. chichi

    Little white "starfish" on glass

    I will check the hitchhiker thread. I don't yet know how to get pictures on here, I'm still new. I hope they are good. Thanks!
  19. chichi

    Little white "starfish" on glass

    Our tank is about 6-7 weeks along and last week we started seeing those little spirobid worms on the glass. I'm told this is normal for an immature tank, they're not really bad and will eventually go away. Anyway, we still have them and that's fine, but I noticed what looks like a little white...
  20. chichi

    super market clams

    After we put ours in, it opened a little and it looked like two little holes opened up on the left side, one bigger than the other, these holes would become larger and smaller. Then is looked like a little white tongue came out and would quickly go back in. Is this typical?? :thinking: