Search results

  1. grouper 42

    Large tank and biofiltration

    What does a refugium do that the bioballs won't? I am not that familiar with refugiums since I have had only FO tanks. And what is a plenum?
  2. grouper 42

    Large tank and biofiltration

    I want to upgrade to a 270 gal and cannot get a straight answer on the best way to achieve biofiltration. I intend it to be fish only and don't particularly care whether I have live rock and sand or not. If necessary for biolfiltration I will. I intend to have a protein skimmer. The...
  3. grouper 42

    building stand

    I have been researching the issue for some time since I want to upgrade to a 225 but don't want to pay a $1000 plus for a new stand. Most of the plans for stands I have seen on the internet seem way overbuilt to me. Go to your local fish store and you won't see many (if any) stands built with...
  4. grouper 42

    Should I put my Rabbitfish out of his misery?

    After a bout of Ick or some similar parasite wiped out my whole tank, my Magnificent Rabbitfish was the only survivor. It appears to have left him blind. There is a haze over his eyes and he can't see food and just bumps into the sides and rock. Has not eaten probably for two weeks. I can see...
  5. grouper 42

    What do you think of RIO pumps?

    You get what you pay for. For larger pump needs I think Dolphin and Iwaki are probably the best. I have a Rio that the lfs supplied with my initial tank set-up and I wouldn't buy another one.
  6. grouper 42

    Stand Construction

    Waterrat. My e-mail is Thanks.
  7. grouper 42

    Stand Construction

    My reading so far seems to indicate that either 2X4 wood for a frame (wrapped with anything you like) or 3/4 inch wood would do. Keep in mind that a 1.5 inch wide (what a 2X4 actually is) piece of wood if of poor quality and grain structure like whitewood or SPF may not have as much strength as...
  8. grouper 42

    Stand Construction

    I would like to build my own stand for a 225 gallon tank (72X24X30). What plans I can find on the web utilize 2X4's. My current Oceanic stand for my 128 appears to use only 1 inch wood. Other stands I have seen at the LFS only use 1 inch wood. The difference is that it is easier to find nice...
  9. grouper 42

    Tank to sump ratio

    What is appropriate for a FOLR tank, 225 gallon? I am thinking 30-50 gal for the sump.
  10. grouper 42

    Canister filters

    Where do you plumb a canister filter into your circuit. For instance, your main pump is circulating 1000 gph but the filter is rated at only about 250 gph. The filter could not be directly in line with the main pump could it? Do you just have separate connections to the sump?
  11. grouper 42


    Since my last message more have broken with appears to fairly classic Ich to me. Diffuse white spots with rapid breathing. The tuskfish had mucous around his gills. I have now lost a Butterfly, Majestic Angel, Lawnmower Blennie, and my Tuskfish is on life support. Very rapid in onset. I...
  12. grouper 42

    Emperor Angles

    Had to get rid of my Cherry Grouper for the same reason. Pretty fish but got mean when he got bigger. Hated my Tuskfish for some reason. So i had to get rid of him.
  13. grouper 42


    I was thinking about getting a Blennie to help keep my microalgae in check. Any suggestions? Any fish that they would not do well with? My current fish are not that particularly aggressive.
  14. grouper 42

    water changes

    I do about 20-25% once a month. More frequent and smaller changes may be more ideal but not as practical. I make my own water using an RO filter a day or two ahead of time. I make about 30 gallons in a trash can dedicated to just this. I remove the same amount from the tank using one of...
  15. grouper 42

    pH measurement

    I have tried two kits. The Hagen and the fasTest. For the life of me I just can't seem to be able to read their color changes and make any sense out of them. And I'm not color blind. What is the best way to measure your pH?
  16. grouper 42

    who is nippin tangs fins

    Has happened to my Sailfin several times and I have never been able to figure it out. It is the fastest swimmer in the tank and seems to be on the top of the pecking order. Hasn't happened since my puffer died but like you my puffer never bothered anyone that I could see during the day.
  17. grouper 42

    Harquelin Tusk

    Depends on the Angelfish. Some are much hardier then others. Don't chose just whatever happens to be available at the lfs. You do have to have a mature and stable tank. I have a Majestic, Emperor (juv) and a Flagfin. All are doing fine but I did have some deaths when I got angels too early...
  18. grouper 42

    undulate triggers

    Triggers and the notion of "taming" them remind me of the turtle and the scorpion fable. You know where the scorpion asks the turtle for a ride across a river but the turtle is afraid that the scorpion will sting him. The scorpion says he won't because then the both of them would die. The...
  19. grouper 42

    Emp Angel

    How big is it? If it is at least 3-4 inchs I would say that is a good price. I had one that died quickly of some bacterial disease that began as Popeye and ended with fin rot. Killed two other Angels of mine. I waited a few months, got a UV sterilizer and got a 4 inch juvenile. Has done...
  20. grouper 42

    Yellow Long Nose Butterfly

    I think they are supposed to be hardy as Butterflys go. I had one once but after a few days it starting doing something strange. It began spiraling around on it tail with its nose in the air. I thought here I go again. Another fish in the throws of dying on me. So I took it back to the lfs...