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  1. kimcheee

    Clown Triggers from SWF?

    Has anyone ever purchased tangs from SWF. Interested in getting a purple tang for a future 200 gal setup w/LR. Tangs are always a pain and can't find a store that sells quality/healthy purple ones...
  2. kimcheee

    cloudy water

    Hi Jimi Listen, I don't want to start a heated debate over this issue, but to just say that a bacterial bloom is not a good thing may not be 100% accurate. I need to retract a statement I made before and should've been more specific as to say if the fish where still healthy, then the bloom...
  3. kimcheee

    cloudy water

    A hazy tank isn't nec. a bad thing. I've read that a tank isn't suppose to be like 100% clear. If it's white for a week or longer-prob. a bact. bloom, which is harmless-may actually be a good thing since it'll compete w/oportunistic organisms for nutrients(ie. ick). I tend to add probiotic...
  4. kimcheee

    Little white bugs in my tank?

    Nice :cool: Love the stuff myself. Make my own batch every month.
  5. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    I'll start the M2 right away today. Should I use just the rec. dose or go higher? Also Should I keep doing the FW dips or just forget about them? I'm not really sure if they were helping, but he does tolerate the dips pretty well. Should I keep feeding him the metranidazole food? Sorry...
  6. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    Grouper today is defintely getting worse. Some of the pimples have been "popped" open from his constant scraping on the tank bottom. Number of pimples/bumps seem to be increasing. He can't stand to not swim around and scratch at the same time. :confused: :( It's still eating so I...
  7. kimcheee

    Little white bugs in my tank?

    I had the same situation a few weeks ago. A water change will take care of any concerns you have if they are copepods. Do they swarm together on the side of the tank esp. where algae grows???
  8. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    Beth and Terry Thanks for responding so quickly. The bumps on the side of the grouper look like zits on my face(lol). They are approx. 2-3mm in diameter and stick out of the skin(underneath the skin) like a large pimple. There are approx. 10 on the sides of the grouper and look pink to red...
  9. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    Hey Terry Glad to here from u. The tank is already at 1.009 salinity. Before that I used Copper at 3ppm w/ Formalin and Malachite Green. I was feeding the grouper additional parasitic med's(metranidazole) dipped in food and this all seemed to be helping, until I got hold of this website. In...
  10. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    I Just got back from a company trip in Chicago today and noticed that my grouper has even more bumps on his side. He's still eating but instead of four or five he has like 10 all over his sides. Please help if possible-he seems to be getting a LOT WORSE.
  11. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    Thanks for all the input. Beth, at first I thought the same as you and wasn't sure if a fresh water dip would've stressed the fish out, since the tank was already at such a low salinity level. Terry, I don't have a digital camera so pics are out of the question. No other fish has bumps like...
  12. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    Thanks for replying so quickly. The bumps are literaly protruding out from underneath his skin and have never seen anything like it before. Then again, I'm also not experienced to make the call either. The grouper has wedged himself underneath a flat piece of coral and continues to act...
  13. kimcheee

    Tangs are Impossible!1

    Same problem hear-I musthave gone through 5 tangs, all dying of ick or worms-Kole, Purple, Naso, Sailfin and goldrimm. I feel all your pain. Purple tang came down w/ ick everytime after a water change and ended up taking out my entire tank and $500 worth of LR.
  14. kimcheee

    grouper with pimples on sides

    I've been treating my tank w/ hypo now for about a week and have recently noticed these bumps on the side of the grouper. There are about 4-5 of them protruding out from underneath the skin about 1-2mm thick. The side w/ the most bumps happens to be the same side that he scratches a lot on...
  15. kimcheee

    Question about hypo

    When treating the tank w/ hypo, are the fish suppose to get worse then better? The Grouper in my tank isn't showing signs of improvement and I've recently noticed a lump on his side. He went from scratching on the sand bottom to the coral. Also my trigger has a white dot and is now scratching...
  16. kimcheee

    Help! My poor Scooter Blennie is sick!

    I have a watchman's goby that had a similar problem recently. I cured him w/ 5-7 days penicillin in a QT tank-this reduced the swelling and then returned him back to his main tank and started feeding him selecon soaked food. W/ good lighting and a few days later, the popeye went away. I've...
  17. kimcheee

    Fish with Resistant Ick

    Thanks for all the advice. Tonight, the grouper isn't scratching as much but has started to hang around the top of the tank breathing harder than usual. At least he continues to eat and doesn't look as if he's getting worse. I read somewhere that saltwater ick can continue to live even in...
  18. kimcheee

    Fish with Resistant Ick

    Thank you for your help. The live rock in the tank was discarded about 2 months ago upon inception of the ick outbreak so it shouldn't be an issue anymore. The ick is extremely stubborn and just refuses to die-even in fresh water dips which makes me concerned about using hypo for only 3-4 weeks...
  19. kimcheee

    Fish with Resistant Ick

    I Have a 55Gallon with a Humu Trigger, Gold Rim Tang, Blue Angel,Dragon Wrasse and a leaflip grouper. This tank was once sterilized b/c of resistant ick to copper treatment along w/ formalin & Malachite green. I had LR in the tank but failed to treat it. After isolating the LR at 92F for 1.5...