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  1. alirons

    coral suggestions

    Thanks all.I exchanged 20,000 radium for 14,000 phoenix.I did not like color of radium.Get it in tomorrow.
  2. alirons

    coral suggestions

    I just got 150 watt,20,000 mh for my 24 aquapod.It was time to replace bulb.I thought i would go with higher from 14,000 mh.My tank is 18 months old.Any suggestions on corals i could keep.I have 2 clowns,bta,pistol shrimp and pistol shrimp goby,2 cleaner shrimp,2 peppermint shrimp,1 fire...
  3. alirons

    duncan placement

    Thanks for the replies.I will put at bottom.I went with the 150 watt,20000 for the bta i just got.I had 14000 mh and it was time to replace bulb,so i thought i would go bigger.I do not know if i should of or not.I thought it would be better for bta.Thanks all for info.
  4. alirons

    duncan placement

    I just got a duncan and i have a 24 aqua pod with 20,000 radium MH.Any suggestion on how high and water flow placement in tank.I have it low in tank now.I love this guy and would like any help on anything you know.I was told to feed every 2 or 3 days.I have had it for 18 months and am just...
  5. alirons

    live sand change?

    OK,Thanks for the info.I am going to rearange my live rock and clean them off a little.I did not know if you should ever change live sand.Thanks for the help.
  6. alirons

    Live Sand

    I want to rearange my live rock.I read somewhere you should do a major clean once a year.I have not done any in 18 months.I have 45 lbs of live rock and want to change it up some.
  7. alirons

    Live Sand

    I have a 24 aqua pod for 18 months.I am going to clean real good and take out everything.Should i change live sand or should you never change it?I have never taken out everything before.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks AL
  8. alirons

    live sand change?

    Should you ever do a live sand change?I was wondering if i should change live sand or clean it?I am going to do a mager tank clean.Any advice would be great. Thanks Al
  9. alirons

    little clear anemones?

    thank you
  10. alirons

    little clear anemones?

    where do i find joes juice?Do i just add it to the tank? Thanks for replies.I could get the shrimp,but would he eat all of them?
  11. alirons

    little clear anemones?

    I have these little clear anemones on my live rock.I am not sure what they are,but they look like little clear anemones.They started out very little .They are about the size of dimes now.I have about 6 of them on live rock.Tank has been up for about 9 months now.I would post picture but have not...
  12. alirons

    2 clowns hosted in one day

    I have 2 ocellaris clowms and got a green bubble tip last weekend.Got home that night and put it in.The next day they are both in it.Is that normal for both to host at same time?I have had the clowns for 3 weeks and decided i wanted a Anemone.I was shocked it only took that long.I have heard all...
  13. alirons

    Anyone who lives in MD/DC/VA?

    hey nctarheels,have you ever been too House of tropics just one block down from Sea Save?
  14. alirons

    Took a trip to the LFS tonight yaaay!!

    How do you keep that anemone in one place or does it wonder around.I have the same one and it flips over sometimes.
  15. alirons

    Some new pics of my 12g aquapod

    How do you get your bubble tip to stay in that spot?
  16. alirons

    24 gal Aquapod

    thanks,I was thinking of maroon clown.I was not sure how they are in pairs.I keep seeing different clowns on this site and like them all.Just not sure what i want.Would like to have some coral also.I have the 150 watt MH.I am so new to this SW thing and learning every day.
  17. alirons

    24 gal Aquapod

    Well it has been 4 weeks and i am almost there.All water levels are just about where they need to be.I have 40 lbs LR and 20 lbs LS and 5 lbs LR in back chamber for media.I am going to add fish soon and would like any suggestions.I am going to put 3 fish and would like atleast 1 clown.Any advice...
  18. alirons

    looks like white fleas

    I have hundreds of these little white spots all over the glass and tank.They are smaller then fleas and are moving all over the place.Does anyone know what they are and if they are bad or good?My tank has been cycling for three weeks.I have a 24 gal Aquapod with 40 lbs LR and 20 lbs LS.I have no...
  19. alirons

    24 gal Aquapod

    I have a 24 gal Aquapod and was wondering what anyone else did.I was thinking of taking out the blue sponge and bio balls and ceramic.I took off the doors behind the slots where the water goes into back chamber.I was going to put liverock in the entire back area and leave room for pump and...
  20. alirons

    MJ 1200 in Aquapod 24?

    I think the pump that came with my 24 Aquapod is 290 gph.So it would not make a difference to me.