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  1. cjdjok

    Explain where your user name originated

    Well mine is cheesy my initials Corey Jones, my wife Denise Jones and ok cause it rhymes
  2. cjdjok

    looking to buy new skimmer

    Not to hijack your thread but I have a 90 gal and am here to see what skimmer you recomend I was looking at an AquaC Remora Pro Hang-On Protein Skimmer w/ Drain Fitting + Rio 1400UL Pump. Any comments
  3. cjdjok

    Shrimp Killer?

    I also havent seen my large sea hare in the last 4 or 5 days are they known for hiding? He is rather large and always out and about but cant find him
  4. cjdjok

    Shrimp Killer?

    I dont think so when I took it out it was very meaty not like shedded skin. Also as i went to get my net to get him out of there the arrow crab was munching on the shrimp. Would he have killed it?
  5. cjdjok

    Shrimp Killer?

    I added a cleaner shrimp to my tank this weekend and when I checked the tank the next day all i found was his body. What could have killed him? I have an arrow crab, 3 emerald crabs, Many blue leg hermits, scarlet crabs, and some snails
  6. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes certin on the readings had the LFS test as well today. only the trates climbed slightly after all the sand stirring up came down when water was changed. Fish died today he was swimming almost upside down and on his side.
  7. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes certin on the readings had the LFS test as well today. Fish died today he was swimming almost upside down and on his side.
  8. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont think so the brown just looks like some fuzz on the flesh he is also not swimming upright
  9. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    This Tank has been set up since september 06 and only had the live rock and cleaning crew in till about 9 weeks ago The Brown in the tank came on after my PH fell and moved a large amount of the sand I was told on here that the tank may go through a mini cycle. About 5 days after the sand...
  10. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    my wife took this pic lastnight hope you can see it He has been eating flake food and always pecking the rocks and back glass
  11. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown
  12. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown
  13. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown
  14. cjdjok

    Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

    [hr] OK Here are the specs 90 gal tank Marineland C-330 canister filter emperor 400 HOB sieo 1500 gph power head coralife 125 skimmer 4x65 compact live sand bed and about 80lbs LR livestock- 25-30 blueleg hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 1 sea hare, 10 nas snails, 5 turbo snails and 1 yellow tank, 1...
  15. cjdjok

    sudden illness HELP!!!!!

    OK Here are the specs 90 gal tank Marineland C-330 canister filter emperor 400 HOB sieo 1500 gph power head coralife 125 skimmer 4x65 compact live sand bed and about 80lbs LR livestock- 25-30 blueleg hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 1 sea hare, 10 nas snails, 5 turbo snails and 1 yellow tank, 1 sand...
  16. cjdjok

    Help....Is this algea??

    I recently picked up a sieo 1500 gph PH for my 90 and it is great because it has a large head that doesnt send just a straight stream of water
  17. cjdjok

    Help- Green Hair Algae Taking Over

    Originally Posted by bracebldrs had it bad in a 125g did all that stuff every one said and the thing that i think worked for me was manualy removeing lr piece by piece scrubing and rinsing in sw makesure you rinse in seperate bucket .and increase cleanup crew. I had to do the same thing when I...
  18. cjdjok

    PH fell in tank

    I did a 20% water change and now my nitrates are reading 30, Amn. 0 nitrites 0 Now what?
  19. cjdjok

    PH fell in tank

    going to do a water change now. How long should I wait to test?
  20. cjdjok

    PH fell in tank

    It is a 90 with about 80lbs of LR and contains 1 sea hare Lots of blueleg hermits, Scarlets, 3 Emerald crabs, snails and a sand anemone and 2 perc clownfish