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  1. fishman73

    how do I drill holes in my plexi glass tank?

    Hi have had this tank for a while (18 mos) and I want to add some power heads in the tank to keep flow going better. The tank is "clear for life" brand and made out of acryllic - NOT glass. I want to drill a 1/4" hole on the top piece of plexi to run the electric wire through... do I need a...
  2. fishman73

    what can I put in my tank?

    Hi All - I am relatively new to this, I have an aggressive tank: 125 gallon 4 triggers 3 tangs harlequin tusk lion fish groupers angels etc... I have a big problem with my sand on the bottom getting covered in grey-brown dust looking stuff - not brown algae, but it looks like dust settling... Is...
  3. fishman73

    anenome stuck in overflow!

    i came to work this am and saw my anenome stuck being half sucked down the top of my tank!! I pulled him out and now he looks awful!!! all small and puny and color is off... is he dead? is he going to die? thanks!!
  4. fishman73

    white sebea anenome from SWF.COM

    he is while - cream colored... he looks healthy. I did a temp. acclimate, as SWF.COM said to. He is sticky, krill sticks to his tentacles and he feeds himself...
  5. fishman73

    white sebea anenome from SWF.COM

    Hello all, I just got this white sebea anenome delivered last friday (5 days ago). Since then, it has just flopped around not attaching itself anywhere. The tank is in my office, and each morning when I come in for the last 3 days, it is upside down with its "foot" facing the lights, face in...
  6. fishman73

    dead green ricordea pollup.

    was on a small piece of rock - I just perched it high up close to my lights.
  7. fishman73

    dead green ricordea pollup.

    I am kinda new at this. I bought one of the green ricordea pollups from SWF.COM and I put it high up on some rocks close to the light yesterday afternoon. When I came into the office today (where my tank is) the coral was gone. I dont see it anywhere. If it is behind the rocks, it will die...
  8. fishman73

    Dying Starfish? How Do I Know?

    I just bought one of those orange lincia (spelling) starfished from SWF.COM, and it seemed fine for a few days, but now it looks like the ends of his "arms" are melting. Is that bad? Is he dying? How do I tell? he still seems to be moving a bit... Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. fishman73

    adding live rock to a tank with fish already?

    what if I am 5 minutes from a fish store? Can I just do it 10 or so pounds per week?
  10. fishman73

    adding live rock to a tank with fish already?

    I am new at this... I have just started to add fish to my 125g tank. I have 80 lbs of live rock, and 100 lbs of live sand that have been there since the beginning (cycled with that and 8 damsels)... I like the way live rock looks and i know it is beneficial to the tank. But - my cycle is...
  11. fishman73

    damsels too aggressive

    I took out all of the rocks (live rocks) from my tank... chased all the damsels around - got them all finally... except for one who was still hiding in the one rock I had to leave in the tank (it has an anenome anchored to it!!) After I put all rocks back in and the "dust" began to settle, I...
  12. fishman73

    damsels too aggressive

    I have a relatively new tank. 125g. To cycle, I had 9 damsels - 1 died - 8 left. They are the ones with the dark blue body and yellow tail. Now I have 8 damsels, 9 hermit crabs (super small), 2 clowns, 1 naso tang, and I just put 1 blue hippo tang (2") and one of the damsles keeps beating on...
  13. fishman73

    purple lobster lost a claw!!

    how do I know if it has good calcuim?
  14. fishman73

    Help to identify white/cottony growth on new LR

    I have not been doing this long, but I just started a tank 4 weeks ago, and my live rock and live sand started to have those same growths. I didn't think anything of it, and it just ended up going away. I have hermit crabs in there, so maybe they ate it? I donno, but it is gone, and I have...
  15. fishman73

    purple lobster lost a claw!!

    I was putting him in my tank, and his claw got caught in the net and snapped off. Will he die? Will he graw a new one? This was yesterday afternoon and I have not seen him since! Any help? Please? What should I do?