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  1. reefcrazy81

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    hello names justin was just wondering if u had any frags left if so email pics and prices................ my email is p.s. i live near san fran
  2. reefcrazy81

    my 12 gal nano aquapod

    thanks alot can u email me that best site to buy one from
  3. reefcrazy81

    1 month old aquapod

    nice start keep up the good work.
  4. reefcrazy81

    Do I need a Protein Skimmer??

    i second that but am still thinking of geting one gp
  5. reefcrazy81

    Quick Question

    just have to say more the better
  6. reefcrazy81

    minium lighting for clams.

    my lfs store is great never had a problem with what they have told me they say clams are able to live under pcs and they will die from poor water
  7. reefcrazy81

    my 12 gal nano aquapod

    did u put the skimmer 3rd slot and would it fit with the stock top.....also how does the water get back in the tank
  8. reefcrazy81

    my 12 gal nano aquapod

    how does the skimmer work and what bran is it .. did u have to mod anything
  9. reefcrazy81

    minium lighting for clams.

    i have my clam under stock 12 gal aquapod lights mines doing great sofar
  10. reefcrazy81

    clam guestion?

    was wondering would a cleaner shrimp or my hermet crabs snip at my clam or should i just watch my tank all night seems to happen at night. also any ideas of what i should watch out for?
  11. reefcrazy81

    clown fish help

    i have a clown that ive had for 2 1/2 weeks looks great but now its lips are staying open and the bottom one keeps shivering .. has anyone heard or seen this happen ....if u could let me know what u all think ty
  12. reefcrazy81

    yellowish algae during day, gone at night

    i keep my lights on for 10 to 12 no algae not sure i thought that i would
  13. reefcrazy81

    What is this thing?????

    its good and if u would like to read up on all worms get the marine fish volume 9 2007 annual mag tells all about the good and bad worms
  14. reefcrazy81

    Some fun new corals

    really cool hope u are happy as i would have been
  15. reefcrazy81

    Ok Today WAS the day New 29G at home!!! jy

    tanks looks great ...i would just say when u can get a couple large lrs for center of tank
  16. reefcrazy81

    Aquarium Safe in Nursery?

    i would say its really safe especially if u make the stand .im not sure about the stands that they make for the aquapods but if u make it urself sure it will be nice ..........i have a almost 3 yr old cousin and he loves it he counts the fish and now im teaching him the names of each coral and...
  17. reefcrazy81

    red mangrove

    ok i for got about that u think that would be a good idea........ if u have a company my email is ty
  18. reefcrazy81

    BSchaibles 29g Reef Tank

    tank looks really good
  19. reefcrazy81

    red mangrove

    just was wondering where is the best place online to buy some red mangroves im loooking to flote one in the front of my aquapod im going to keep the feeding door open and floate it thier........your ideas would be great or a better way of doing this..ty and also if u have done somthing...
  20. reefcrazy81

    New 10 gallon

    what kind of clowns do u have and how big do they get ty nice tank 2