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  1. mrinelfrlz


    Does anybody know of any frag swaps going on in Missouri?
  2. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Well im just trying to use what i have as little $ as possible. the way i was saying would work i think i see LFS have tanks that just use bulkheads with a street 90. Besides i have everything else.
  3. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Quote: Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz I wonder if this would really work to see if a tank is tempered? Well this is a neat little trick! I tried it and it seems only the bottom is tempered so i will for sure drill it! Im thinking a 1 1/4" on both...
  4. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills I actually read that thread too. Ya know what...give me a moment I'll go try it on my All Glass tank that I'm going to use as my sump. I'll tell you if it works or not.         Well...I tried it with my phone and I didn't see any difference. And the...
  5. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Today im picking up a pair of polarized sun glasses and trying this out
  6. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    I wonder if this would really work to see if a tank is tempered?
  7. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

      Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Who says otherwise? I've never known a 55G to be tempered anywhere other than the bottom. I have 3 of them. My 120G had a sticker on the bottom as well but I drilled the back without a problem...   WOW is that a ALL GLASS brand how old are your 55's...
  8. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Well i got rid of the old glass baffles and went to lowes today and got .25" plexi instead im also making it so water flows through all areas and i will just have one overflow and the live stock i want to keep seperate from each other can be. So now the water level can go as high as it needs to...
  9. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills The bottom is tempered...Drill the back!!! Everyone else says otherwise? I would love to drill the back!
  10. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

      Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ I would just risk it and drill the back. If you trash it no big 55g are cheep   In theory the overflow you drew could work but the longer the u-tube the bigger of a pain it will be to keep the siphon going. The water level on the inside would have to be the...
  11. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Ok i tried this now keep in mind im not a artist but i drew a crude pic. of what i want to do.Its going to be like a hang on but im using glass sheets and it will be all siliconed in. But will it work out is what im tring to find out so please any criticism or help bring it on.  
  12. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

          no its not drilled
  13. mrinelfrlz

    want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s

    Well i have a old 55g Sump and it was a center return well now i want to use it as a frag/different types(reef safe/non reef safe) of fish tank so i was thinking this. The tank was a center return Sump and i went and left in 2 baffles and took the other ones out well the tank says on the...
  14. mrinelfrlz

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    well what i did is went to and signed up you can lown load your pics/ movies there and once you do that there is a box under neath each pic that you can click on and copy the direct link to it and after that just click on the insert pic box thats above the box you type in " the...
  15. mrinelfrlz

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    can you post bigger pics?
  16. mrinelfrlz

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    great job how about a updated video of your ray pool and equipment running pleeeease
  17. mrinelfrlz

    Any structural/ pipe fitting welders here?

    Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08 I'm in Oklahoma and there really aren't jobs around here. The shop I worked for closed down and it hasn't been easy trying to find anything around here. Most places have kept their current staff on and aren't hiring anymore or they downsized. But there are jobs...
  18. mrinelfrlz

    Any structural/ pipe fitting welders here?

    thanks for the advice so far guys i know i will have to work my way up the ladder always start on the bottom crap rolls down hill but im willing to climb it!
  19. mrinelfrlz

    Any structural/ pipe fitting welders here?

    hello all, i was just wondering how work was going for these types of welders nowa days i was training in industrial maintenance and going to college but since my job closed on all of us i going back to school again ive read really good things about the money you can make from welding and i like...
  20. mrinelfrlz

    Can You Give Us Light "par" Readings Per. Tank Sizes

    Originally Posted by TruPerc 250 MH should typically be sufficient as it relates to the depth of your tank. This also depends how high off the tank you have it. Presumably you would have 3 of them to cover the length of the tank. Of course, all of this is based on an assumption that you want...