Search results

  1. jjboods

    New pump

    I picked up an MTC PRO CAL Calcium Reactor for a great price, but the pump is seized. Can anyone recommend a more budget friendly alternative to the Little Giant 2-MDQ-SC that it came with?
  2. jjboods


    I have some tube works and algae I'd like to eliminate too. Will the salt work or will I need to scrub them?
  3. jjboods


    A while back, my tank crashed. 2 clowns and a chromis are the only survivors. Recent finances the way they are, I haven't been able to replace anything . Since the crash, there has been an unbelievable infestation of aiptasia. Since the tank load is low and no corals survived, I figured I...
  4. jjboods


    I'm not running a skimmer. I don't know that it's that necessary with only 3 fish in a 75 gallon tank and no LPS or SPS.
  5. jjboods


    I actually don't feed the tank very heavily at all. Every other day or two sometimes. CBB would be nice, but don't they have a high mortality rate?
  6. jjboods


    I have a 75 gallon with 2 clowns, a chromis, a couple soft corals, some shrooms and some rics. And much too much Xenia. I also have what is becoming way too many tubeworms. Is there a fish thatwill eat the tubeworms but not bother everything else...except maybe some of the Xenia. Thanks.
  7. jjboods

    FS: Aquamedic Dual Dosing Pump

    Bump - $150
  8. jjboods

    Skimmer for sale, upstate NY

    Great skimmer. This is a great price for the skimmer and pump.
  9. jjboods

    FS: Aquamedic Dual Dosing Pump

    Not sure if this is okay...this is a link to the manufacturer website, not a store. It is the dual pump on the top.
  10. jjboods

    FS: Protein Skimmer

    Already sold.
  11. jjboods

    FS: Aquamedic Dual Dosing Pump

    Bump - $165 plus shipping
  12. jjboods

    LOOKING FOR 48in lighting for 55 gallon

    I have a 440 Watt VHO retro fit available. Bulbs are only 6 months old.
  13. jjboods

    FS: Aquamedic Dual Dosing Pump

    Reasonable offers?
  14. jjboods

    FS: Aquamedic Dual Dosing Pump

    $200 plus shipping. Extra tubes included.
  15. jjboods

    FS: Protein Skimmer

    Bump - $75
  16. jjboods

    Looking to Trade

    I need a 48" x18" footprint.
  17. jjboods

    FS: Lights

    I have no pics of the lights. They are in a custom canopy. It is a very standard 4' 4 bulb VHO retrofit kits. Bulbs, endcaps, reflector.
  18. jjboods

    selling 120 gallon

    Any return pumps?
  19. jjboods

    Looking to Trade

    75 Gallon All Glass with corner overflow for a 90 Gallon All Glass without overflow.
  20. jjboods

    FS: Lights

    The lights are installed in a custom canopy. PM me and I can send you a link to a website that has a picture. Is there a particular question you had about them? There are 4 48" bulbs on a singly 10" reflector.