Search results

  1. wilson2

    blue or green spotted squamosa clam

    does naybody know where I can find one of these?
  2. wilson2

    ky trade sell

  3. wilson2

    ky trade sell

    cool, ill be in lexington and louisville and have time to even maybe drive down your way the first few days of august. cant make it to lexington tommorow, but ill pm you when i head down state if thats ok... how much were you thinking?
  4. wilson2

    blue or green spotted squamosa clam

    Im looking to buy a blue or green spotted squamosa clam. thanks
  5. wilson2

    wv/southern ohio sell trade

    thanks for the club name, thats awesome, ill try to make the august meet. I see your from pikeville? I lived there for two yrs, and went to the med school there. i see by your other post that you are a fish only guy, dont have much to offer, but keep in touch.
  6. wilson2

    Xenia not Pulsing

    mine has like three big stalks and they have slumped over and layed on the rock, but the little tentacles are pulsing and seem fine, is it possible they have just layed down because they have plenty of light and have no need to stretch upwards?
  7. wilson2

    ky trade sell

    how much for the kenya tree, do you have a pic, and where are you in ky?
  8. wilson2

    Green w/ Pink Tip Frogspawn, Pom-Pom Xenia, GSP + Zoa's

    how about an albino blizzard frag, some frogspawn and star polyps to 41102? thnx.
  9. wilson2

    wv/southern ohio sell trade

    looking for just about whatever, mostly soft stuff, zoos, monty's, other leathers, and cups and plates. dont have a lot to offer....would rather buy, but could frag a hydnophora, green hairy mushroom, xenia. soon will have red shroom, watermelon shroom, and some sort of metallic green shroom...
  10. wilson2

    reef safe starfish

    i have these little mini starfish that resemble a sand sifting star, but are less than 1/2 inch, and they are dividing like crazy, do you think they are safe???
  11. wilson2

    wv/southern ohio sell trade

    i live in ky, 2 miles from both wv and oh, i havent found much response in ky, so anybody with anything to sell/trade?
  12. wilson2

    Xenia not Pulsing

    you know, i just stumbled on this thread, but i also have a xenia issue. my tank does great, i have many softs and stony's that do fine, but I bought a large xenia frag 6 mos ago and it died within a couple of weeks. it had a little start that came back (i mean tiny) and has struggled around...
  13. wilson2

    calcium levels

    what does FOLWR mean? So, do you think I have a danger of overshooting and causing harm by not testing?
  14. wilson2

    ky trade sell

    got anything youd like to sell/trade?
  15. wilson2

    calcium levels

    I have quite a bit of crustaceans, no clams, couple of sps', 120 gallon (170 total system), use instant ocean salt. change about 15% a month (I know should do more), but only three damsels and a clown in the system. Like I say, I supplement, but don't test. how much should I worry about...
  16. wilson2

    calcium levels

    do you guys think lots of crushed coral and whole shells in the tank will do much to maintain calcium levels? I supplement some, but Im not big on testing.
  17. wilson2

    curly Q anemone

    this thing is multiplying, guess ill nuke it
  18. wilson2

    curly Q anemone

    but anyway, these are brownish, not white
  19. wilson2

    curly Q anemone

    dont know why that link wont work