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  1. brandoncena

    live rock

    I am going to turn my fish only tank into a reef aquarium and i am looking for 50 - 100 lbs of live rock does nyone know of anywhere to get any for cheap thanks - Brandon
  2. brandoncena

    Refugium Tank

    Originally Posted by BrandonCena the refugium is 24in long 14in tall and 12 wide im not exactly sure about the denitrator ill get back to you on that but it going to work as an overflow system in the 1st section is gonna be protien skimmer w dnitrator the 2nd section is gonna be live sand rock...
  3. brandoncena

    Refugium Tank

    the refugium is 24in long 14in tall and 12 wide im not exactly sure about the denitrator ill get back to you on that but it going to work as an overflow system in the 1st section is gonna be protien skimmer w dnitrator the 2nd section is gonna be live sand rock and the 3rd a calcium reactor and...
  4. brandoncena

    Refugium Tank

    I currentlly have a guy custom building me a refugium tank with a d nitrator and a calcium reactor My question is one i apply it to my tank how often will i have to do water changes I have a 90 gallon Tank with just a yellow stingray in it (I know thats not Big Enough) but after i get the...
  5. brandoncena

    Stingray help

    ok but which one would be better even if i have a ray or not
  6. brandoncena

    Stingray help

    now that i have learned alot more about the ray and nitrate I currentyl have a guy looking for a Sump or a Refugium for my tank now the question i have is which would be beter it is a 90 gal tank and If possible i would like it to fit right under my stand and with either a sump/refugium should I...
  7. brandoncena

    Stingray help

    what exactly is a sump and how does it work and how much would one be for a 90 gal tank?
  8. brandoncena

    Stingray help

    Thanks but how much of a water change should i do and i have a bunch of powerheads a protien skimmer uv sterlizer and my filtration is a fluval canister 405
  9. brandoncena

    Stingray help

    I just purchased a yellow stingray yesterday and my nitrate levels were fine about 5 ppm now I just checked them this morning and they are about almost at 20 ppm it is a 90 gal tank with a stingray (which i know im gonig to need a bigger tank) 2 clown fish and 2 tangs i do not have enough room...
  10. brandoncena

    Video Camera Help!! movie making

    ok i have a mini dv video camera and i made a film that i want to put on to the cpu , edit it then make it on dvd. the problem is that when i record it to the cpu and watch it back the volume is all messed up (ex. ill say something then it will wait a couple seconds before the film says it and...
  11. brandoncena

    Tank Help

    yes the lfs knows they have ick and they understand ans they are going to take them and as for treating my tank whats the best thing i should use without affecting inverts or other fish
  12. brandoncena

    Tank Help

    ok I have a 90 gal tank and all my fish have ick and i am going to get rid of them because i dont want to put treatment in my main tank and i dont have a spare quarintine tank i heard that if your tank gets ick and you leave no living things in in and let it set for 3 weeks the paricite will...
  13. brandoncena

    shark feeding????

    thank you anyways my shark passed on earlier this evening
  14. brandoncena

    shark feeding????

    thanks and no i bought it from a web site and where do u get squid or peeled shrimp from or white shrimp
  15. brandoncena

    shark feeding????

    i have a 90 gallon tank currently saving up for a 220 gal tank and in the 90 i have a yellow tang, blue tang, sailfin tang, powder blue tang, a snow flake eel, a red volitan lion, and a black banded cat shark and i just got the dhark 3 days ago and it wont eat (of course) and i was wondering...
  16. brandoncena

    fish feeding

    lol prob about 6-8 months if everything goes as planned but thanks anyways
  17. brandoncena

    fish feeding

    i have a 90 gallon tank currently saving up for a 220 gal tank and in the 90 i have a yellow tang, blue tang, sailfin tang, powder blue tang, a snow flake eel, a red volitan lion, and a black banded cat shark and i just got the dhark 3 days ago and it wont eat (of course) and i was wondering...
  18. brandoncena

    Fresh water DISCUS

    well should i take him out then cuz i have him in with sun cats, bala sharks, irridescent sharks, clown loaches, angel fish, gouramis, and a needle nose gar but he seems to be doing good with all them no one bothers him or he doesnt bother anyone else and should i get another one???
  19. brandoncena

    Fresh water DISCUS

    ok i just bought a discus yesterday and i was wondering what i could put in with him and anything i would need to know about discus thanks in advance
  20. brandoncena

    spotted gar question

    Originally Posted by Jon321 The water really should be in the 70's so a heater wouldnt hurt, but may not be required if you have some reason you need to remove it. Gars will do fine with any large, semi-peaceful fish. I often see them with oscars, bichirs, silver arowana, shovelnose cats, clown...