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  1. skienlzer


    I Have Had My New Tank For Almost A Year Now And My Corraline Algee Is Starting To Grow All Over The Place Finally, I Know This Is Good But Im Not Sure What For, Can Anyone Help???
  2. skienlzer

    No luck getting rid of this stuff!

    I have a softener system called ionics, but I use the little ro tap out of my sink, could this be a problem. I use coralife salt.
  3. skienlzer


    I acdentally posted in the wrong one, and dont want to retype it, can someone go to fish photography and go to "No Luck" Thanks a millon!!!!!!!!
  4. skienlzer

    No luck getting rid of this stuff!

    I've had this 90 gallon tank set up for 7 months. The guy at the lfs said to turn on the powerjets full blast with bubbles at night to help get rid of it. No LUCK, bi-weekly h20 changes, NO LUCK. I think it has gone away alittle on the rocks, it looks like our emerald crabs and snails are eating...
  5. skienlzer

    new mystery stuff in tank.

    our tank is 6 months.
  6. skienlzer

    new mystery stuff in tank.

    Thanks alot. Are the worms bad? ANd how long should I wait on the algee? I use ro water from my tap I have a h20 system called ionics..
  7. skienlzer

    new mystery stuff in tank.

    We have a 90 gallon tank and are changing the h20 every 2 weeks about 15 gallons. But still we have this brown stuff grow immediately. It covers the floor of the tank and now we also have these little white dots all over everything including the back of the tqank wall. When you look up close...
  8. skienlzer


    thanks on the sponges. :jumping: The green things kinda looked like the Neomeris picture if it would grow that long. Right now it's just little lumps on the rock. It looks hard and tiny holes all over.
  9. skienlzer

    worm? feather duster?

    Does anyone know what kind of worm would liv ein live rock, I recently saw one it is very thin,long and it telescopes in and out. It looks like it is dark brown w/ tan lines or rings around it. NE1 know? Also I have many TINY feather dusters in my lr, do they grow as big as the ones you can buy...
  10. skienlzer


    I have a system that is 1000 gph, an extra 50 g hang on side filter, and a power head thats 260 we are getting one more power head for the other side so i guess we will point them right at each other?? I've been reading the diff on LS verses CC, our lfs said to buy CC, now I'm finding out it is...
  11. skienlzer


    We had to scrub our lr with a toothbrush because of the slime algae. It was overrunning our tank, cut back lights and feeding, weekly h20 changes and the specialists at our lfs said too. So hopefully it doesnt grow back. How many powerheads do you need in a 90 gallon tank and should they point...
  12. skienlzer


    I do have a lot of snails, but all the lfs says is they are turbo snails, but they all look diff to me, so im not sure if i have nasarius.
  13. skienlzer


    I dont think that is a dumb ? , I need to know myself, Some of my fish they say 3x a day others, 1 or every other what is the best for everyone?
  14. skienlzer


    In the first pic is the little cottony things (Coral??), and is this a coral growing in the second ; we found it on the bottom of the rock, should we turn it over so it can have light? and for the third we have neon green yellow spots is this how some corals start? It looks hard and looks like...
  15. skienlzer


    I Will Take One
  16. skienlzer


    :help: I am scrubing my live rock to get off this slimy algee, and noticed 2 white fuzzy or hairy little balls on my lr. They look like little cotton balls.. Should I get rid of them.ne1 know what they are?
  17. skienlzer

    coraline algee

    We tested last night, all levels are perfect. we have a 11x turnover plus a little 50 gal filter on the other side of the tank. we have double sided compact lights. 48" not sure on wattage.
  18. skienlzer

    water flow??

    3 1/2 months it is anew one , we transfered everything from a 46 gallon.
  19. skienlzer

    coraline algee

    We had purple up, calcium and magnesium, polyox,essential elements and strontuum and molybdenum. We also have iodine but was told i shouldnt add it with shrimp. I am not sure if i should add all these according to the bottle instructions or if it is all to much. We have only been add purple up...
  20. skienlzer

    coraline algee

    I have coralife. Aktinic on for 11 hr and day on for 6 now was 8, then luner lights on at late night time. they are both double in each side. dont know the watts,how do you tell?