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  1. doog32226

    Starter/cycle fish ???

    Originally Posted by jacrmill how much LR do you plan to add? many people do not think it is necessary to have a filter other than a skimmer and LR, but when I clean my filter and look at the crap it pulled out, you cant convince me. when you do cycle, as everyone else has suggested, do not use...
  2. doog32226

    Starter/cycle fish ???

    I added 40lbs of Aragonite. I plan on getting about 10-15 lbs of live sand to mix in with it this weekend. Now, I was told that the live rock, live sand and a good skimmer are enough to filter the tank. Is that correct. I have a simple hand on right now to help filter out some things.
  3. doog32226

    Starter/cycle fish ???

    Thanks for all the info guys. Really appreciated. I will get photos up in the next few weeks to show you guys what you have helped me with.
  4. doog32226

    Starter/cycle fish ???

    I was looking up some info on the green chromis. He seems to be a pretty docile fish and looks pretty hardy. Am I wrong? I plan on buying some live rock in the next week or two. Question on that. Can I buy like 10-20 lbs and just drop it in my tank since there is no fish and I am in the middle...
  5. doog32226

    Starter/cycle fish ???

    I was curious what fish you all would recommend for a starter or cycling fish? I know that some damsels can get really aggressive as they age. I want a fish that is hearty and will be okay as a permanent fish. Let me know what you all recommend. Thanks.
  6. doog32226

    LR for sale 2.50 lb

    just checked and it said almost 4 hours. Would you meet half way? Whats your zip code?
  7. doog32226

    LR for sale 2.50 lb

    How far are you from Jacksonville? I need some live rock and maybe we can work out a deal. I am off for the next 4 days, so if its within a few hours or less, I may want to buy like 30-40 pounds. Thanks
  8. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    I have salt build up on my glass, heater and filter. Why? I have never had that happen before. Please let me know why and what I can do to make sure this won't happen again. On another note, I added 40lbs af Aragonite sand today. How much should I use for a 55g tank?
  9. doog32226

    2 wet/dry F/S CA.

    I might be interested in one of those filters. Was in the height and length of the other filter? I need it to fit under a 55g tank. If one fits, I will probably buy one from you this weekend. Do you have a paypal acount? My measurements under the tank are 22x19x14 so I hope the other one is a...
  10. doog32226

    mildly new to saltwater

  11. doog32226

    mildly new to saltwater

    Just a thought. Can I get sand from the ocean here and let it dry out? Will that kill most of the bacteria and all in the sand and then add like a bag of aragonite?
  12. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    Gotcha. Thanks. Thats last thing I want to do. If it won't work then I won't do it. Can anyone recommend a very colorful vibrant fish thats a decent size, say 2"-4" ?
  13. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    Thanks for the info. I will do that. However, on the tang, I thought 55 was okay? My brother has one in his tank and its been very healthy. Does that apply to all tangs? What about a Scopas or a yellow eye tang?
  14. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    Thanks guys. You have been a big help. I think I will take your advice on the sump so it can hold the skimmer, heater, etc.. I will look into those skimmers as well. How much live rock should I use? I want to have a few fish. My ideas were a yellow tang, sailfin, either a diadem dottyback or...
  15. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    Was curious about your opinions on a Red Sea Prizm and Prizm deluxe skimmers? Are they good? Do you recommend I get one and I read that the Prizm Deluxe can also be used as a filter, is that true? Also, are skilters good?
  16. doog32226

    Setting up a 55g reef

    I am kinda new to the reef thing. I was just wondering if anyone can help me get started with it. Maybe suggest a filter system, skimmer, lights, etc.. I want to do it right from the beginning and not rush it. Right now I just have the tank full of water mixed with CoralLife salt. Current filter...
  17. doog32226

    Need a cheap skimmer

    I have a 55g tank that I am cycling and wanted a cheap skimmer to throw on the back of the tank for now. Eventually, I will get a wet/dry system with a skimmer in it. I just figured it would help while the tank is cycling. Am I wrong about that?
  18. doog32226

    FS: 75 Gallon, Stand, MH Lights and More! Miami, FL

    I will buy the pc's from you. Do you take paypal or would like a m/o. They are 48" long right? Do you have a pic of them or can you pull one off the net that are the same? Thanks
  19. doog32226

    WTB: 55g stand in Northern FL

    Where in South Florida?
  20. doog32226

    WTB: 55g stand in Northern FL

    I got a good deal on a 55g tank and now I am looking for a black stand as well as any supplies to set up a reef tank. Wet/dry filter, heater, salt, sand etc.. I need it all.