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  1. mmikej24

    Capturing a gobby

    I've had a few diamond back goby's in my time, and I've never seen them be aggressive. They are usually very timid fish, and I highly doubt it would be attacking your chromis. I would check your water conditions or look somehwere else for a reason why your chromis would be dying. As already...
  2. mmikej24

    What is the most interesting fish?

    As far as personality, I would say a DogFace Puffer. They are very personable and incredibly intelligent. I cant have one in my reef tank now, but If I didnt have a reef tank a dogface puffer is the first fish I would buy. If you have a reef tank like me, I would get a greenbird/brownbird wrasse...
  3. mmikej24

    shipping on saturday

    Thats a good question. I work Mon-Fri and I would love it if I can get a shipment on Saturday, that way I dont have to leave the package on the front porch all day!
  4. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    Thanks! I'll do that!
  5. mmikej24

    Stocking question

    My experience with Tangs is that they can be territorial. I would add the Tang last or at least add them all at once so they dont fight over territory.
  6. mmikej24

    Need help with Condi

    Im kind of new as well, but wouldnt it be a good idea to do a water change with his nitrate levels that high? I know its cycling, but it seems like that number is going to get bigger and bigger.
  7. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    Your right. I am just going to sit back and see how the cleaner crew does for a few days. I wont be adding any corals for at least a few weeks. The first fish I want to add eventually is a diamond goby, and then eventually a powder brown tang, clown fish and brownbird wrasse. Do you think I...
  8. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    That's good to hear. My girlfriend bought me a cleaning crew (30-90 Gallon package from that we put in the tank yesterday. Yes, I know it was probably too early so Im hoping the ammonia levels dont spike. We put all the live rock and Bio-Spira in on Sunday, so hopefully that...
  9. mmikej24

    powder blue tang

    I heard it's not a good idea to have more than one tang in your aquarium unless its a really big tank. They can get very territorial. I have had one in a 55 gallon for quite a while and it gets along fine, but from what i've heard I wouldnt want to introduce another one.
  10. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    Ammonia .25 ppm Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 ppm Salinity 1.026 35% PPT
  11. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    This is what I have in my tank... 72 gal ALL GLASS Bowfront 48 inch Formosa DX 260 watt lights Sump Tank (15 gallon) with Bio Balls Mag Drive 700 Pump (700 gph) G Series In Sump Protein Skimmer (250 gph) Koralia 2 Circulation Powerhead (600 gph) Visi Therm 250 Watt Heater 75 lbs Live Rock 80...
  12. mmikej24

    72 Gallon Bow Front Cycling with Biro Spira..

    So I recently set up my tank and have begun the cycling process. I used Biro-Spira (Not sure if its spelled corectly) and it says that it speeds up the cycling process and it should be complete in 24 hours. I tested the tank about 4 hours after putting the Biro-Spira in, and it said my Ammonia...