Search results

  1. jenkins2212

    new tank with amm nitrites, and nitrates

    Just set up a 55 reef with lr, ls, and a canister filter with the blue sponge from my old filter on top of the new sponge in the canister filter. started cycle with cocktail shrimp and using cycle. Par: 1.024 amm- .25 nitrites- 4 nitrates- 12.5+ ph- 8.6 Everything went up at the same time and...
  2. jenkins2212

    new tank with no1, 2, 3 steady

    Just set up a 55 with lr, ls, and a canister filter with the blue sponge from my old filter on top of the new sponge in the canister filter. started cycle with cocktail shrimp and using cycle. Par: 1.024 amm- .25 nitrites- 4 nitrates- 12.5+ ph- 8.6 Everything went up at the same time and has...
  3. jenkins2212

    xenia looking bad

    Me xenia has been in my tank for about a four days now and looks really bad. It extends sometimes but not that mich. ANd the ends look like they are deteriorating. 1.023 temp: 79 amm: 0 Nit: 0 Thanks
  4. jenkins2212

    a t l

    Im in athens... The best one is out here called aquarium outfitters. They are really good when they have stuff in.. For some reason they always get bought out really really quick. What are you looking for?
  5. jenkins2212

    What light do you need for Mushrooms and Zoas?

    Thats the same light i have for my 20 high. I have a kenya right now and ive been told that its enough like for zoas and mushrooms. Soft corals i think. Start out with a kenya and a xenia. Thats what im going to do. They are very hardy so you cant kill them as easily. I just started at this...
  6. jenkins2212

    white spot on sixline

    It looks like a grain of salt on the top of the back fin.
  7. jenkins2212

    white spot on sixline

    Ive had the sixline for about two weeks now and hes been doing great. Three days ago i got to clowns from the lfs. Well tonight i noticed a white spot on the sixlines back fin. Could this be ich? And could it have been caused by stress of the clowns being introduced? am:0 nit:0 salt: 1.021 Temp...
  8. jenkins2212

    What do you do for a living?

    Im a medical wound consultant I educate nurses on how to heal bed wounds. In other words i look at bed ulcers all day... I love my job
  9. jenkins2212

    clown with skin on lip

    Just bought two clowns and woke up this morning and a peice of skin or food or something is hanging from right under his lip? Could this be from fighting? Please dont tell me this is some kind of desease. Thanks
  10. jenkins2212

    24" Pc Coralife Fixture for sale....

    Do you still have?
  11. jenkins2212

    Dont want to over feed

    20 gallon 5 hermits 2 peppermints 1 Sixline wrasse I cant tell how fast they eat because when i drop a pellet its taken behind the rock and everone fights over it? My question is how do i make sure i feed enough but not over feed? Im feeding them medium size pellets right now thanks
  12. jenkins2212

    peppermint shrimp not eating aptasias:(

    Thanks for all the replies.... I guess ill wait it out and see what happens. Should i still feed the shrimp pellet food until then or let them feed on other stuff in the tank?
  13. jenkins2212

    peppermint shrimp not eating aptasias:(

    I tried the boiling water and it didnt work either. I went to every store in atlanta looking for a damn shrimp to eat these aptasias without having to use any other means and now they're just sitting there swaying back and forth:(
  14. jenkins2212

    peppermint shrimp not eating aptasias:(

    My tank is over run with huge aptasias that i got some peps to "take" care of. All i have right now are some hermits and the shrimp. So i dont feed the tank anything right now. Will the peps get hungry enough to eat the aptasias or will they starve first?
  15. jenkins2212

    kenya tree retracks when lights go out

    My new kenya tree shrivles up when i turn the lights out? When its pitch black the tree sucks in on itself, then comes back out when the lights are on. Is this ok? Thanks
  16. jenkins2212

    how does the cycle work?

    Just curious to how your tank cycles and builds bacteria in the filter without a source? Im new to this so if its obvious sorry Thanks!!!!!
  17. jenkins2212

    base rock

    im in athens 30606. Can i pick up 10 lbs?
  18. jenkins2212

    sand from walmart

    old castle sand from wal-mart? heard its good but says not for use in aquariums
  19. jenkins2212

    20g deep tank 24w 12000k lights?

    Is this enough lighting? Maybe just some anemones, or sa small reef? First tank!!!!!!
  20. jenkins2212

    Noobie from athens, ga

    Wallet is a decent size But im starting with a 20 gallon bow that i will use as a hospital tank later, which is why i dont want to start any kind of reef or anything like that. I just thought a 20 gallon would be nice to start off with! So i just have the tank now so everything else is still...