Search results

  1. aquareefer

    Puffer in bad shape!!!

    Since the puffer seems fine and is eating, he just might make it. Keep him isolated in a clean tank. Watch the wound for any infections or discoloration of the wond. In a right environment, most wounds will heal. Avoid overmedicating, as many medications will only stress out the fish doing...
  2. aquareefer

    Is there an algae eater in the saltwater realm?

    There are many Blennies are great algae eaters, most mentionable of which is the lawnmower blenny. There are many sand sifting gobies that will help clean any algae blooms on/in your sandbed. The brownbarred goby does great cleaning sand, as does the yellowheaded sleeper goby. Surgeonfish and...
  3. aquareefer

    Can anyone identify these?

    I think they might be hydroids.....anyone have any information about these critters? Are they harmful?
  4. aquareefer

    Can anyone identify these?

    I need some help in identifying these critters...
  5. aquareefer

    coral beauty angel

    As with many fish, what they will pick on is based on the individual animal. In my experience, the coral beauty is most likely to pick on LPS and clams, but individuals have been known to nip at softs and other coral. It is really hit and miss on what your individual fish will pick on. I have...
  6. aquareefer

    Help! Can you identify these?

    That is exactly what they are! Thanks for the help!!!!
  7. aquareefer or no spot?

    Bot Foxfaces are great aquarium animals. They are hardy fishes that are often some of the sole survivors in a tank crash! Both species are very similar, with the most notable difference being their their max size. The one with the spot (Siganus unimaculatus) can grow to a max size of about...
  8. aquareefer

    Help! Can you identify these?

    Hello, I am having a hard time identifying these critters. Any ideas? They swim like Jelly fish, but attach to the sand and glass. Thanks!