Puffer in bad shape!!!


Active Member
Hey guys I am in need of some help big time here!!! I just got a porcupine puffer about an hour ago. I watched him eat, watched him for about 30 minutes in the tank and decided he was right for me. I got him and got about half way home and had to take a quick bathroom break. When I got back out I looked at the fish and his whole stomach is missing. He looks as if he exploded or something, like his stomach is all ripped open. He is still swimming around fine, and is still breathing normal. I am waiting to finish acclimating him to my hospital tank and then I will post some pics. Does anyone have any idea what I could do to save the poor guy, or is he pretty much a goner? Thanks to anyone that could help me out.
I also wanted to add, it doesnt seem as if any of the internal organs have been damaged, and it doesnt seem to bother him in the least bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Hey guys I am in need of some help big time here!!! I just got a porcupine puffer about an hour ago. I watched him eat, watched him for about 30 minutes in the tank and decided he was right for me. I got him and got about half way home and had to take a quick bathroom break. When I got back out I looked at the fish and his whole stomach is missing. He looks as if he exploded or something, like his stomach is all ripped open. He is still swimming around fine, and is still breathing normal. I am waiting to finish acclimating him to my hospital tank and then I will post some pics. Does anyone have any idea what I could do to save the poor guy, or is he pretty much a goner? Thanks to anyone that could help me out.
I also wanted to add, it doesnt seem as if any of the internal organs have been damaged, and it doesnt seem to bother him in the least bit.
Any way to see a pic? What else do you have in the tank?


Active Member
Im waiting until I get done acclimating because he is in the bag and its really hard to see. I have nothing in the tank, its my hospital tank so I am going to put him in there and see if there is anything I can do. I dont know what happened to him because he was perfectly fine when he left the store!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Im waiting until I get done acclimating because he is in the bag and its really hard to see. I have nothing in the tank, its my hospital tank so I am going to put him in there and see if there is anything I can do. I dont know what happened to him because he was perfectly fine when he left the store!
I dont have a clue, but if it looks fatal, leave him in the bag and take him back.. Pray for the fishy.


Active Member
Yeah I tried to take him right back, as I was only about 10 minutes away, but they closed at 7pm and I got there about 10 after. I bought him right at closing time so I dont really know what is going to happen to him. I hope the best for the guy, because he looks like it would be really hurting. He doesnt pay any attention to it though and is still responsive and eating, and still swimming just fine. Thanks for the opinion....

coral keeper

Active Member
Did you put him in the tank then go to the bathroom or was he still in the bag whean you went to the bathroom?


Active Member
Unbeleiveable, sad and tragic! I dont think he can live like that having his stomach compromised like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Did you put him in the tank then go to the bathroom or was he still in the bag whean you went to the bathroom?
I was on my way home from the LFS with him still in the bag. I stopped at a gas station, went to the bathroom, came out and he was like that. I dont know what happened to him but I imagine be "exploded" because I dont know how else to explain it. Its strange because all of his internal organs are still intact and they are all still in their proper places (as in they are not hanging down). The only thing hanging is the flap of skin that used to close him up... I dont really have anything I can do with him to fix him up, other than wait it out, but I guess only time will tell. Its so weird that he swims, follows me around, eats, and everything like a regular puffer would do.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hmmmmm...... I bet that he will grow his skin back to place. and he will be like new! But dont keep any fish with the puffer or the fish can bite his stomach and all the inside things can come out. And good luck with you and your puffer. Pray so he wouldent die!


New Member
Since the puffer seems fine and is eating, he just might make it. Keep him isolated in a clean tank. Watch the wound for any infections or discoloration of the wond. In a right environment, most wounds will heal. Avoid overmedicating, as many medications will only stress out the fish doing more harm than good.


WOW! That's insane! Please keep us updated on your puffer. I love mine, and can't imagine him looking like that =(


Was there alot of rock in that tank he was in at the LFS? I wonder if he didn't get banged up when he was netted. I would call the store and leave a message sooner rather than later about the problem. Hopefully, he makes it but if not the store really needs to work with you.


Active Member
Did you post this in the disease forum? They may have some good info but this looks bad, his stomach is just open? Take out any powerheads or anything he could get caught on, make guards for everything.


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Hey guys I am in need of some help big time here!!! I just got a porcupine puffer about an hour ago. I watched him eat, watched him for about 30 minutes in the tank and decided he was right for me. I got him and got about half way home and had to take a quick bathroom break. When I got back out I looked at the fish and his whole stomach is missing. He looks as if he exploded or something, like his stomach is all ripped open. He is still swimming around fine, and is still breathing normal. I am waiting to finish acclimating him to my hospital tank and then I will post some pics. Does anyone have any idea what I could do to save the poor guy, or is he pretty much a goner? Thanks to anyone that could help me out.
I also wanted to add, it doesnt seem as if any of the internal organs have been damaged, and it doesnt seem to bother him in the least bit.
Wow I think he inflated in the bag and caught air to fill up with and not water and exploded. It is the only logical explaination. Guard for infections like others said and pray pray pray. That is sad because they are really hardy fish. Bummer


Keep him in a quarantine tank away from everyone else and see what happens. That is indeed unusual. He doesn't look sick but he may get a secondary infection.


Active Member
He was not in a tank with any rock at all. The tank he was in was empty other than one piece of PVC. He looked great in the tank and was very playful and alert. The used a net to catch him (it was two kids working there this time instead of the owner) because they were scared of getting poked (haha). Even after the netting, he didnt get caught in it, and he didnt expand at all. He didnt really care about them catching him or anything. He was just swimming around, then I look at him again and half his stomach is completely gone. I put him in my hospital tank, and I made sure there was nothing that he could get caught on. The only thing in the tank was the filter, no powerheads. He did not make it last night, he died shortly before I went to bed, but I guess at least he wasnt suffering over a long period of time. Thank you guys for all of your help. I am going to bring him back to the LFS today to see if they are going to do anything about it. Not to mention that they double charged me for the little guy, although I didnt realize that until after I got home. Again thanks!


Active Member
sorry to hear about the puffer.
that is really strange. i would demand a full refund of the fish seeing as how he was doomed before you ever got him home. good luck. are you going to get another puffer? if so are you going to get the same kind?


Sorry about the puffer. What did the owner of the store have to say about it?