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  1. gliuomo

    post your pics of your aggressive tank

    Golden Puffer
  2. gliuomo

    New Puffer

    He looks about 6 to 7 inches. right now he is in a 100 gallon long. But I think I will hav eto put him is at least a 200 gallon
  3. gliuomo

    New Puffer

    my new puffer
  4. gliuomo

    Puffer question

    Could you put a Map Puffer and a Porcupine Puffer together in a 100 gallon tank. if not can you put any two puffers together is the same tank
  5. gliuomo

    Okay. I emailed them about an order a few days ago and still no reply. I don't know what to do next.
  6. gliuomo


    I had a small barracuda in my tank. They are awesome fish. very fast. They also get big. so I had to get rid of it.
  7. gliuomo

    Does anyone know if there is a number I can call to talk to someone at about a order. I tried e-mailing them but I have not recieved a answer. thanks
  8. gliuomo

    Picky Lion

    The only only thing I can say is just wait it out. I had my lion for about two weeks before he ate. Then just one day I put some krill in the water and he went after it. Now him eats anything I put in the tank. He even eats pellet food somtimes.
  9. gliuomo

    My next fish?

    I would try a nice size Wrasse. Like a Rainbow Wrasse
  10. gliuomo

    Clean up Crew?

    I have some large hermit crabs (4) in my fish only tank. Right now I have a clown and a queen trigger. so far they have not killed my hermits.
  11. gliuomo

    What can I get to clean up my sand?

    You can try a Goat fish. I am thinking about getting on also
  12. gliuomo

    updated pics of tank

    Awesome Pics
  13. gliuomo

    New Additions

    awesome fish
  14. gliuomo

    food for lionfish

    I will have to agree with STACYT. I had my lion for about 2 1/2 weeks before he ate. I guess he relized he was not going to get live food so he started to eat frozen. He is now doing great. He eats anything i put in the tank.
  15. gliuomo

    OT My other aggressive pets :)

    Awesome Snake
  16. gliuomo

    Overflow Question

    Right now I have a CPR 600 Gph continuous siphon overflow for my 100 gallon fish only aquarium. I have had nothing but problems with it. IS there a better overflow i can buy? Please help me. I feel like taking the one i have and throwing it out the window.
  17. gliuomo

    OT - Breast Cancer

    I will click on the site as much as I can
  18. gliuomo

    My New Queen Trigger

    I have not fed him any live food yet. right now he is eating frozen krill and silversides. He also eats some pellets with garlic. He has not turned down any food I gave him so far.
  19. gliuomo

    My New Queen Trigger

    Hi is about 3 to 4 inches. he is in a 125 gallon tank.
  20. gliuomo

    My New Queen Trigger

    Here is a pic of my Queen trigger. I got him last night. He is awesome. Hi is also doing great. I had no trouble getting him to eat today