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  1. bigdawg

    food for choc. chip star

    whats the best thing to feed a chocolate chip starfish, and whats the best way to give it to him, especially since he spends most of the time on the glass?
  2. bigdawg

    starfish and hermit

    do any of you know if a pretty large hermit crab, maybe about 3-4 inches wide, will pose a danger to a starfish? i.e. will it see it as a potential food source?
  3. bigdawg

    Starfish Acclimation

    Thanks, I'll do that.
  4. bigdawg

    Starfish Acclimation

    I ordeded a chocolate chip starfish from, should be here tomorrow. I have heard many different ways of acclimating starfish. Can anyone tell me which way works best for them?
  5. bigdawg

    Starfish Acclimation

    I ordeded a chocolate chip starfish from, should be here tomorrow. I have heard many different ways of acclimating starfish. Can anyone tell me which way works best for them?
  6. bigdawg

    flame & bicolor angel

    I was wondering if anyone has had any luck keeping both a flame and bicolor together. I have a 70 g and I was hoping to get both at the same time and add them at the same time to minimize territorial disputes. Thanks.
  7. bigdawg

    Black Tip Reef Shark

    Awesome tank! I would love to see the video also if its not too much trouble. Thanks!
  8. bigdawg


    Thanks for the pics and info!
  9. bigdawg


    Can anyone tell me what copapods look like? If you have a link to a picture that would be great!
  10. bigdawg

    Green Moray Eel

    I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with keeping green moray eels in their home aquariums (or know of someone who has). I saw one for sale the other day at a local pet shop. I am not interested in buying it at the current time, but one day I think it would be cool to have one...
  11. bigdawg

    false vs. true perculas

    What's the difference btwn the two? I know it has something to do with the coloration, but not exactly sure what.
  12. bigdawg

    tank care at night

    Well I don't think the moon and stars have quite the lighting effect that a room fill with sunlight does. I knew it wasn't a big deal, just wondering what everyone else does.
  13. bigdawg

    tank care at night

    I was just wondering if anybody covers their tank up with a sheet at night and until the lights are turned on each day. The room where my tank is gets a lot of morning light, so I cover it up at an attempt to simulate the actual darkness they would experience in the wild.
  14. bigdawg

    Question for Atlanta people

    There is 2 good fish stores around Gwinnett Place Mall, the Aviarium and Under the Wave. The Aviarium is next to Chili's just down from Hooters, they always have a lot of live rock. Under the Wave is close to Fuddruckers. I'm not sure of the names of the streets
  15. bigdawg

    Not able to feed fish

    I fed my fish on Wednesday. I am not going back to my house until Sunday. Do you think my fish will be alright until then without eating? I thought my roommate was going to be in town but he isn't. What do you guys think.
  16. bigdawg

    aggressive angel-advice needed

    My Koran is extremely aggressive. He fights with any fish I put in the tank for a period of time, even attributing to the deaths of some.
  17. bigdawg

    Question about setup of 65 gallon Fish-Only Tank

    I disagree with getting a Powder Blue over a Naso. Powder Blues are notoriously hard to keep alive. Naso's are very hardy on the other hand.
  18. bigdawg

    NitrAtes question

    He wasn't asking if he should go with live sand. For a lot of people (like me) building a dsb is not economically feasible right now. Just answer the question if you can help. I would also like to know if the biowheels are bad, and if so why do filters have them.
  19. bigdawg

    Fish Died

    I don't know what happened. I have a percula and a koran angel and they are fine. I guess it got so stressed out it gave itself a heart attack.
  20. bigdawg

    Fish Died

    :confused: I did a water change tonight and not but 10 minutes later my blue tang died. I had him for over 4 months and it was doing great. In fact I feed my fish earlier and he ate like a champ. Does anybody know any possible causes? I've done many other water changes and he had been fine...