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  1. geek

    Blue hippo tang question

    I don't seem to have that problem with mine when I am in the front of the tank watching him, but when I feed him I feed him from the back of the tank, which is painted black since I built the tank into our bedroom wall, into a walk-in closet that was in our upstairs hallway.
  2. geek

    Blue hippo tang

    I got a BH Tang about 2 months ago, because my wife has always wanted one, but we never got one since I was leary of ich. While on my way home from being out of town for a few days, I dropped by the LFS (2 hours away) on my way home since it was on my way, and decided to get one for her. I...
  3. geek

    What is this?

    Are they something to worry about? If so, how do I get rid of them?
  4. geek

    What is this?

    OK, my 220 has been going for about 7 months and I have some things growing in my tank, but mostly in my overflows. Can anyone tell me what the tube like thigs are, and also what the spiral things are? Like I said they are mostly in my overflows, but there are some in my tank, and in my sump...
  5. geek

    Seeking advice for lowering nitrates so my corals may live..

    I had quite a problem with high nitrates and a very bad diatom bloom that came in cycles, in my tank even with doing regular water changes and being very careful not to overfeed. I put in some red hawaiian mangrove in my fuge and my nitrates have completely disappeared. I keep a close eye on all...
  6. geek

    Fish Identification

    How about this dottieback?
  7. geek

    Fish Identification

    Well, I lucked out last week as my LFS decided to sell everything, and not be in the business anymore. They sold all of their stock and everything for the store except for the personal 75 gallon tank that they didn't sell anything out of when they owned the store. They called me at 7:00 am on a...
  8. geek

    JEBO Skimmer

    Originally Posted by Netopr I got the 182II version around 2-3 weeks ago and found it to be a POS..... It leaked everywhere, it didnt even fit inside the tank, the pump is too powerfull making huge ammounts of micro bubble get into my tank and the outlet valve leaked whenever I closed a little...
  9. geek

    Aquarium Safe Sealants?

    Sorry that I didn't see this thread yesterday, but I hope that you didn't buy that silicone that you were planning to buy. I too was looking at buying some sealer about a week and a half ago. I was at a local hardware store and I was looking at the GE stuff. I called the 800 number on the back...
  10. geek

    MH, VHO Lighting and Glass Top

    I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I am also putting this tank into a wall in my bedroom and the oposite side of the wall is a large walk in closet, which even in the summer is the coldest room inthe house as it has no windows, but there's vents installed for the housewide heat/cold...
  11. geek

    MH, VHO Lighting and Glass Top

    OK, I just got my new 220 gallon tank and I am going to be using my 75 gallon tank as my sump for the new tank. My new tank has overflows built in and is also predrilled. I have a new set of Metal Halide lights (3 x 250 Watt) and also some VHO lighting in one unit. I also have a 3 section glass...